Yandere! Alt. Gabriel X Reader (ROMANTIC) PART 2

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I'm still following the request from Nadmur on AO3
TW: suicide and angst

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You were so close to your freedom.

You had become his apprentice for over a couple of thousand years. (Actually, time flowed differently in his realm than in the physical world, a mere few weeks were a century in the real world.) Surprisingly, Lucifer did not reside in Hell all the time, and spent most of his times in a void where time was meaningless and space was no longer physical except the floor. The void was grey, and blank, but Lucifer had built a whole city in the void, as headquarters for the Alternates. The city was strange, with tall but wobbly looking buildings that zig-zagged upwards, made of a combination between wood, mud, and something else you could not identify. Turns out the Alternates were real, as they walked down those streets and bowed deeply down to Lucifer whenever he passed by them.

That was if only you were even allowed to go outside in the first place you would experience that.

Nobody was allowed to see you, unless in dire circumstances. You were allowed to see nobody, nor leave the surprisingly elegant room Lucifer provided for you. You were only allowed to see Lucifer, and him only. And Lucifer only saw you ever since.

At first he was distant towards you, just staring at you while you did whatever thins you could do that was provided in the room. Reading, drawing, whatever. The bedroom door was always locked, whether Lucifer was present in your room or not. The room was startlingly bright white, with white bedsheets and curtains and floors. Every once in a while your favorite color would shine through the beauty of this room, making your room more unique. A glimpse of gold was also there in the room. There were bookshelves filled with books, a table full of drawers with items that could be used to cure your boredom. There were comfy sofas and a bathroom attached to the room. Overall, it was neat.

Except that the fact that on the sofa, Lucifer would always fill up the empty space to watch you.

Honestly it was unnerving. His eyes were fixated on you almost all the time. The only privacy you had was when you went to the bathroom. Even when you were going to sleep he watched you, and you didn't know if Lucifer ever left his spot after you feel asleep, but when you woke up he would be in the same position. Those icy, cold blue eyes would always follow you, watching your every move so that you wouldn't escape.

When he was away for work that he had to do Alternates accompanied you instead. Most of them were silent and radiated an aura to strike fear in one's soul. Their faces shadowed, multiple eyes that stared at you, large clawed black hands with sometimes a gleam of shark white teeth.

But some were quite approachable and proceeded to encounter you, unlike most you have met, which wasn't many. A masculine Alternate named N. He was quiet, but was willing to talk to you. But when Lucifer found out, he was enraged about this, and you never saw N again.

When you became his unwilling apprentice you'd thought his teachings would be rigorous. But no, so far there weren't any difficulties with him personally. It's just that what you were learning was against your Christian beliefs. All of lies and deceit, acting and concealing, manipulation and planning, all of this on how to master them perfectly. You tried your best to not get influenced too much as possible. You were a child of God, and you would not fail Him.

Over time, during those lessons (which of course were in the room you resided), Lucifer slowly got more attached to you and grew bolder around you. At first he only spoke to you in a very courteous manner, as if you were a willing guest that lived with him. Then after a few weeks passed, he made sure to make you stay immortal so you would stay with him forever. As more time passed after that, he then started to initiate physical touch with you. Sometimes his had fingers brushed with yours, a cold yet gentle hand on your shoulder. This soon turned to hesitant back hugs, summoning pearl white wings to wrap them around you, hands on your cheeks to squish them.

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