Yandere Alt.Adam + Jonah (Platonic VERSION)

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Requested by sketchy.aura on AO3

Requestor did not specify if they wanted romantic or platonic, so I chose platonic (if this isn't what you expected, I'm sorry)

(Edit: Okay, so they did specify to me so there will me a modified romantic version of this)

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"You left me behind, Jonah!" The man in the GPS said hauntingly yet pleadingly as Jonah takes in a sharp breath as he tried to clear his foggy, scattered mind. "Why? What will I do without you?"

He tightened his hand on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white, as he tried to ignore the mockery of his best friend.

"Who are you running from, Jonah? I'm just trying to save you."

A pause.

"I love you, Jonah."

After a quiet moment of heavenly silence, Adam's voice repeated those words, over and over again, plaguing Jonah's mind with those cursed letters.

"I love you, Jonah.

"I love you, Jonah.

"I love you, Jonah.

"I love y-"

"Shut the FUCK up! SHUT UP!!!" Jonah screamed into the GPS with Adam's smiling face plastered on the screen. He felt hot tears roll down his cheeks, and his voice faded away as he desperately said "You're not the Adam I know...." once more. His breathing was uneven, he was speeding up the car and was bypassing the speed limit, and oh shit, there's that tree he might crash into-

Jonah snapped into reality and roughly swerved around the tall plant just in time that could have killed him. He heard the tires screech against the asphalt outside, even though Adam's voice kept calling Jonah's name and to tell that he loved him.

Jonah hated himself. He couldn't bring to tell Adam he loved him back as a best friend. He left his friend behind because he was a coward. He was a fucking coward and he hated himself so much for that. He will die as a coward.

"Why am I like this? I hate this. I hate me, I hate how I am!!!" Jonah shouted at himself, punching the steering wheel he held on to for dear life.

A cold hand was placed on Jonah's shoulder.

Jonah looked to the passenger seat.

Adam was there, smiling so wide his jaw looked like it would unhinge anytime soon.

"You are perfect the way you are, Jonah," Adam said. "Don't be so harsh about yourself. I'm here for you!"

Jonah screamed, and cried, as he abruptly stopped the car in the shoulder of the highway. He slapped his friend's hand away, and opened the car door to dash out.

But Adam appeared right in front of him, and before he knew it Adam swing something hard at his head, and Jonah yelped in pain before the darkness embraced him with unconsciousness.

. . . . .

Jonah choked and woke up to find himself restrained to a chair tightly and gagged. Jonah struggled, panicked, but it was useless. After a while he looked around nervously, trying to pull out his wrists out of the ropes. He seemed to be in a dirty, old basement: full of dust, dark, and unpleasant. There was a TV on one side of the basement and there were stairs that went up to a door.

Jonah struggled again, his pained grunts slightly muted. His head still buzzed from pain, and he could feel dried blood that have trickled down the side of his face, caked and feeling sticky. He felt a new rush of blood stream down slowly from his temple.

"Where are you trying to go, Jonah~?"

Jonah let out a muffled scream of terror and flinched visibly. Adam wasn't there when Jonah last time saw, but now he was right up in his face. His huge, widened eyes were now black instead of blue, his smile wide open. Adam was looking into Jonah's own eyes directly too close for his comfort with a slight, uncanny tilt to his head.

"I don't want you to leave yet, Jonah," Adam said, his face shifting back to normal, but not completely. His eyes still shadowed over, his smile and eyes had an aura of insanity. Jonah was petrified, couldn't do anything, felt so helpless.

If he didn't abandon Adam in the first place, would this have happened?

Adam, who was now an alternate, went on, pacing around the basement and circling Jonah. "Bud, I really do love you. You're my best friend, and I love you for that. You know that right?"

He suddenly leaned in close to Jonah's right ear and whispered: "So I wanted to give you what's best."

Adam shifted to his other ear: "We have a True Savior that can save us all. All we have to do is to rejoice to him and kill yourself. He promises great happiness for you!"

Adam straightened and fumbled with Jonah's gag first, and got them off. He then moved on to the ropes while Jonah gasped a deep breath of air and coughed.

The ropes fell off of Jonah's limbs, and he stood up shakily. He was terrified what Adam would do next. Based on what Adam told him, things weren't about to go well for him.

"But don't worry! If you're too SCARED to off yourself like the coward you are," Adam said gleefully, and the next words shook Jonah down to the core. "I'll kill you myself for your own sake!"

Adam startlingly pulled out a gun from his jacket. He handed it to Jonah. He knew Jonah was afflicted with M.A.D., so he should suicide, right? That was what the broadcast said. Right?

Jonah looked at it. He was afraid to die. Like the coward he always was. But he didn't want to kill himself just because a copycat of his friend to him to.

He remembered Adam begging Jonah to stay with him, friends forever. When times were hard they would be there for each other. They promised to never kill themselves to stay together forever.

The person standing in front of Jonah wasn't Adam.

And so he will keep his honor, even if it means of looking like a fool.

"No, I won't," Jonah said, his voice surprisingly steady. Adam's face shifts to mild surprise as Jonah adds in bravely, "the real Adam, my best friend, would never say that to me."

Adam looked frustrated, then smiled sweetly. "Then so I shall do it for you, bestie."

He loaded the gun and pointed it towards Jonah's forehead, and Jonah, his boldness all gone, took a step back in fear.

The last words Jonah heard from the doppelgänger killed him was this haunting sentence:

"Goodnight and goodbye, Jonah."

Then the alternate pulled the trigger and Jonah fell, with cowardice but with promise kept.

. . . . .

Oyasumi and sayonara, Jonah. We will miss you 😢 

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now