Six X the Intruder (CRACKFIC OFC)

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Requested by ShannonIsNoSQUID on WATTPAD (after reading the part in the Stanley X Reader Part 2 where Six jokingly confesses his love towards the Intruder for Valentine's Day special, for fun LOL even though it ain't even Valentine's Day)

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"Hey kid."

Six poked at the boy, who turned around and frowned. "What now?"

"Don't be so snappy," Six only chuckled. "Why don't we make a deal?"

Chara's smile stretched wide, and he grinned as his rosy cheeks became rosier, his red irises glittering. "Yo, I LOVE making deals. Sure, what is it?"

Six chuckled, and held up some bundle of wildflowers he handpicked. "Whoever doesn't smile or laugh at Stan's confession to [Name] gets to confess to Intruder over there." He pointed to the silent hooded being with his thumb, behind his back, who only gave a confused glare and didn't say anything. 

Chara laughed. "What?! That sounds awful: let's do it!"

"Yeah! Now that's the spirit kid!" Six exclaimed, and they both laughed at Intruder's frown. But their laughter were contagious, and Intruder gave in and a small smile was formed on his lips. 

"Awful?" Intruder remarked quietly, as the three went up to [Name]'s room to take a sneak peek and initiate their deal. 

"Yeah, you heard that right my biscuit man," Chara smirked and elbowed the man slightly, earning back a chuckle.

They watched silently as they looked through the slim crack of the door, as they see Stanley with a camera in one hand and hiding a red rose bouquet behind his back.

"My dear sleepyhead, it is time for you to wake up," he said playfully.

You rustled around your bed, trying to get more sleep. Stanley spoke again, a bit more patient than he was before. "Dear [Name], it is already ten in the morning, you must wake up."

You mumbled at him to go away, and that you were trying to sleep. He only chuckled kindly and tried again, his voice smooth and rich as usual. "Do you perhaps know what today humans celebrate as holidays?"

He revealed the bouquet of your favorite flowers and red roses from behind his back. He poked your face with it, and Chara and Six were trying to not laugh so hard Chara's eyes were tearing up. You furrowed your brows, then you finally opened your eyes at the smells of the wafting flower scents. Your eyes widened at the sight, and Intruder smiled at how happy you looked. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, my dear."

You took the beautiful bouquet gingerly, and then you jumped out of bed and hugged him with such a bright and sweet smile. You thanked him and reminded him that you loved him.

"Ah, I love you too, [Name]."

Six couldn't hold it back at how Stanley reacted, and he burst into giggles. Chara was watching with awe and happiness for the both of them, wide red eyes sparkling. Intruder covered his eyes and he protested, trying to peek through his hands and get them off. Six was chuckling and was ready to tease, and then he realized that he lost the bet. You ran up to the three and they all yelped and scatter, running down the stairs. 

Six and Chara looked at each other, one smirking, the other with a defeated smile. "You know what to do, Six~" Chara teased, handing him the wildflowers he picked earlier. "Make it up."

Six sighed and took the flowers. Then he kneeled in front of the Intruder, with a grumpy look but with a charming smile. Chara giggled, watching this unfold. You happened to came downstairs also, and after understanding what was going on you stood next to Chara, also spectating with a smile.

"Will you totally accept and be my Valentine, Intruder~?" Six smirked, and you and Chara burst into laughter. Six chuckled, and covered his face with one hand as he reached the flowers to Intruder.

The Intruder only gave an unimpressed stare. Six got visibly frustrated, and he yelled. "Take the flowers, goddammit!" He threw the flowers into Intruder's face, who stumbled back and barely managed to catch it, falling on his butt. He looked quite surprised, and Six and the rest of you cackled in happiness. Intruder, smiling wickedly, stood up silently, and proceeded to whap the other with the flowers across the face.

Six looked shocked, his mouth opened and agape in disbelief. Then a sinister grin appeared on his mouth, and he took some of the flowers from Intruder's hands and slapped it back in his face. They charged at each other, rolling across the ground and smacking at each other with the flowers in hand. "Hey I want to join!" Chara exclaimed, and jumped in, against your yells of trying to stop them. You ran to the three to try to physically part them off, and Stanley entered just in time, turned off camera in hand. 

"What in the... what is happening?" Stanley asked with a disbelieving smile. But he snapped out of his daze and he put the camera on the counter and helped you separate them. All five of you ended up sitting on the floor, chuckling and giggling happily, everyone happy that the time they spent was seemingly endless and forever. 

Intruder took the chance, and gathered all the flowers in hand before smacking them behind Six's head, and he fell over. Intruder grinned, as the others laughed heartily at such a sight. 

Intruder only grinned at Six's frown and only said one worb before lending him a hand to help him up. 


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This is so fucking stupid LMAO what am I even doing with my writing skillz XD

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