Yandere Alt. Gabriel X Sage (OC) (ROMANTIC)

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Requested by Itz_WeirdcoreEclipse on WATTPAD, this character they rightfully own. Sorry if it looks kinda rushed... my motivation died in the middle of writing this :(

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The false angel stood on top of the roof, hands clasped. He stared down at the hideout the lieutenant police, with malice intended in the cold hearted being. He spoke treacherous sentences, his whispering words filling up the cold empty air.

He was ready to make Thatcher's life more of a living hell. 

But then suddenly, four archangels appeared from the skies. Lucifer recognized all of them, as they were the newly created archangels to defeat the Alternates and save humanity, one of God's attempts in foiling Lucifer's plans. Which was the reason why ever since the presumed birth of Jesus Alternate invasions have been slowed down for thousands of years. 

It was even more unfortunate that one of the new archangels attracted Lucifer's attention.

A being named Sage, the Archangel of Amity.

Lucifer wanted him so much.

Sage was a beautiful being like all the children of God were: magnificent white wings, a thin golden crown with the leaves and patterns from the Roman gods as his halo. His fair skin, flowing straight brown hair tied to a loose tail, beautiful hazel irises of gold and green. His robes consisted of shimmering white and gold: with his shirt white and his collar and belt being gold. He had cream colored pants with the boots of gold, and he was tall and magnificent, and he radiated in great light and of kindness. However, something within him made Sage stand out to Lucifer the most. To his ice blue eyes he was the most alluring and purest being alive, even compared to other angels of higher ranks and considered much more beautiful than he.

Every fiber of his demonic being wanted the archangel by his side forever. He did not know why, nor did he understand what he was feeling. Usually he would try to learn what he was feeling but this time he did not: his usual patience was not there to guide him to the knowledge of the emotion. Lucifer wanted Sage, and him only.

But he was the devil and Sage was the holy child of God, and he knew they weren't meant to be together. Lucifer knew that if he just asked politely Sage would never accept him for he was the greatest archenemy of his brethren and brothers and his Father Himself. 

However, what would stop him?


He would get the archangel by his side no matter what.

But for now, the four archangels were about to attack him to leave the cop alone, so he fled for now, and into the darkness of his realms. Lucifer from there in his kingdom schemed, and finally, made a devious plan on how to get the archangel to be his lover.

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"Brother Parsley, he has left the human alone. Let us rest now."

Archangel Sage of Amity, the youngest out of the four newer archangels, told the eldest worriedly, out of kindness. His brother, Archangel Parsley of Candor, held out his flaming sword, ready to be after the devil that had ran away, maybe even to follow him down to Hell. Parsley was known for his strength and bravery, also for his recklessness. His clothes were the same as Sage's, but it seemed his fabric folded into more geometric shapes than Sage's ovular folds in the fabric. It seemed that even the clothing proved their personality difference: Parsley was ready to attack anyone in retaliation, but Sage was a complete pacifist and did not want anyone hurt, no matter the reason. Despite this all the four siblings went along fairly well: even with the sisters Thyme, Archangel of Prudence, and Rosemary, Archangel of Erudition. They also wore cascading robes of white, and hints of gold that sparkled in their own heavenly light. The four archangels all had Sage's brown hair and hazel eyes with halos over their heads that shone brighter than the dark. Sage loved all three of his elder siblings dearly, for they were kind and were good with him.

"I must get to that alternate, my dear Sage," Parsley replied back, "for he will bound to strike again."

"It will be some time that he will try once again," Rosemary noted with a gentle yet firm tone. "So let us rest for now, Parsley."

Parsley breathed heavily before calming down and nodding, lowering his sword. "Fine. But only because you all say so."

But perhaps it would have been best if Parsley went after the fallen angel.

Then this wouldn't have happened.

It was another ordinary day in Heaven like no other. The four archangels were getting ready to go back down to the realm of the mortals, where the humans dwelled on Earth. Parsley was preparing his sword, Rosemary her bow and arrow, and Thyme her spear and shield. Sage unfortunately didn't have a weapon at the moment, only the whip-thin chains that hung from his golden belt that could be used as a zip tie or a garroting wire. After all, no matter how kindness was, kindness could still be deadly itself. 

Then the shadows spread through the clear blue skies like black ink on wet paper, and soon the four archangels and the heavens were plunged into total darkness. Even the golden celestial cities that radiated was unseen, and nothing was visible save for the halos on the archangel's heads, illuminating their confused and fearful faces.

But even their brilliant halos were unable to light up the complete vision they had, and Sage couldn't even see his own hands in front of his eyes. "Brother Parsley?" He called out, his high and gentle voice as flutes rippling through the dark. "Sister Thyme? Sister Rosemary?"

"Brother Sage!" A familiar feminine voice called out, it was Thyme! But where was she? Even with the light of the halos... no. Sage could see no light, not even their halos, only his own. Where were they? Sage wandered around, unaware where the rest of them were. But his anxiety and panic only grew tenfold when he felt that the voices of his siblings calling his name was fading away.

"Sage! Over here!" 


He turned around, but only saw darkness.

And then he felt an icy cold hand clasp on his mouth tightly, and an arm snaked around his waist, and then he was whisked away backwards. He tried to resist, screaming for help and kicking, struggling in the grip he couldn't break free. 

And suddenly Sage blacked out.

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Lucifer finally had his beloved archangel in his arms. The Heavens fell under the crushing weight of his creations as he overthrew the Heavens and took over. He climbed up on the throne of gold, of his Father, and sat down as if he was righteously enthroned as the king of the skies. The false angel still held the Archangel of Amity in his arms in bridal style, who was still under his enchantment of slumber. Lucifer's icy blue eyes stared and studied every line and curve of the beautiful angel's face. 

How he loved him so much.

He would keep the angel with him by his side, all the time. Make sure he wouldn't escape. The fallen angel would make sure the archangel would submit to his love. After all, that's what lovers do for each other.

Lucifer watched the skies burn, under the power of his forces, holding his unconscious lover in his arms.

He finally got what he wanted.

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A/N: one more request, then Imma kill this book lmao (If you want a part two request in the second request book not here)

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