Alt.Gabriel X Gender-fluid Reader (FLUFF) (ROMANTIC)

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Requested by Dreaming_Rebecca on WATTPAD (alsalkfhasdljkghdshl I was struggling to find the requestor this is why you write requestors down right away everyone when you get it) 

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"And let's hear the speech from another one of the candidates for the election for President, [Name] [Middle name] [Last name]."

Audiences clapped and cheered as the flashing of the cameras exploded when you walked onto the stage, and got ready to speak into the microphone. The audiences quieted down to a deathly silence anticipated for your great speech. You cleared your throat, and you started speaking, eloquently, with such fluency and words, without mispronunciation, no flaw. You spoke, determined, that as a genderfluid yourself, you fought for LGBTQIA rights, and that once elected President, you would try your best to give the rights to the community. You ask for the audience to elect you as the President, if they wish for a truly good ruler and want a unified nation of beauty and peace, as much as possible you could do in all your power.

Millions of more eyes gazed at you through the camera lenses. And you caught one's attention, which was a rarity and perhaps an honor. He had golden yellow locks flowing down his hair, a very pale complexion, piercing golden eyes that glowed and glittered. His eyes had dark blue eyeshadows that made him look more older, tired, but elegant and beautiful nonetheless. His lips, that was drawn into a thin line, was the same dark ultramarine color as his eyeshadows, giving his pale skin a very slight hue of the same color, making him look dead. Gold and white robes sparkled and flowed down from his shoulders down to his bare feet, his ivory white wings making him shine despite his dark appearance. His name was of the morning star, Lucifer the fallen.

Lucifer was captivated by your words, like all the other audiences. He watched from the television Six had brought in, and other of his creations, the Alternates, crowded around and gazed at the screen and at the person standing behind the teleprompter. You looked quite serious and devoted to justice... Lucifer leaned in from his seat, chin propped on hand. 

You continued on. You bravely told the audience that when you became President, you were planning on using all your power to defeat the Alternates. With all the government power you had and the military, with the organizations and with your own honorable name, you wished to help the citizens be protected from the recent threat. To eradicate the race that plans to destroy the humans, you swore and vowed, with an eloquent and calm speech, that you would do anything to protect the humans and give the citizens achieve safety and happiness.

As the audience in the screen cheered and applauded, much louder than the previous candidate's speeches, the Alternates and Six turned to Lucifer in fear and anger. 

Lucifer looked very shocked for a moment, seeing that this human dared to try go against his force, his rule. The silence became even heavier, only accompanied by the sounds of soft static as Six turned the television off, as Lucifer smiled maliciously. His golden eyes glittered in a sinister glint, and he spread his white wings, and disappeared in a flash. Leaving only a pearl white feather with the crowd of outraged alternates who heard your speech and your bravery against them.

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You were watching yourself of the part where you gave a speech, to make sure you said everything perfectly... when you heard a door knock.

You turned around towards the sound, looking across your huge mansion. You blinked, swirling the wine glass with red wine sloshing inside, curious who would visit you at such a late night. Was it a reporter? A paparazzi? Someone else?

Nevertheless, you went to answer the door. 

A man stood at the front of the door, and you recognized him. He was your friend named Gabriel, a kind and cheery guy who was the first to accept your genderfluid identity as a friend. He was lean and tall, and today, he seemed to have his long wavy hair dyed blond. What was interesting to you was that his fashion sense seemed to have changed: he had dark ultramarine eyeshadows that made him seem slightly gothic, and his clothes contrasted into bright colors, such as white and gold. Which was strange to you, since he only wore dark colors. You noted that out with a smile, letting it slide and joking about it.

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