Adam X Jonah X Alt. Adam (ROMANTIC) (Hurt/Comfort)

528 12 17

requested by Axolotl on AO3

WARNINGS: abuse, gore, violence, toxic mindset (because alternates are deranged apparently), VERY LENGTHY (like 4300+ words or something) 

. . . . . 

Adam made it. 

He made it out of that goddamn basement. 

He didn't understand what the man in the TV told him. He couldn't. He shouldn't. He wouldn't.

Adam remembered the last time he had ever heard from Jonah. They had a very heated argument that made them split their ways. Adam regretted ever shouting at Jonah. He loved him-how could shout at him so brutally like that at his lover? He haven't even confessed yet, and things were already downhill because of him.

He should have been more patient. 

Adam didn't expect Jonah to actually bail and drive away, so Adam was walking by the shoulder in the cold, shivering, looking for the car that they drove all the way to this county for. 

Adam's breath hitched when he spotted the car crashed onto a tree.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no!

Adam felt a strange, unfamiliar sensation in his chest; a tight, constricting feeling in his heart. Whatever it was, he started to run towards it, expecting to find Jonah barely alive and injured, or worse, dead.

Adam's shoes grinded on the gravel when he arrived, and bounded down the  shoulder and into the empty, rural land, and towards the car. The front door was already open, and there were footsteps on the side. Blood. 

Another pair of footsteps. Signs of struggle on the side of the car. 

The car was empty. 

Adam felt a little weirded out and concerned, but his heart sank. 

Jonah died, didn't he? He died in a car accident and an alternate came and stole his corpse.

Adam's breath shuddered. 

He failed to save him.

. . . . . 

"So you're saying," Sarah repeated what Adam told her, her brown eyes full of concern and panic, "Your best friend, Jonah, died and went missing??"

Adam had arrived back to their temporary BPS headquarters. He had to abandon the car, but luckily, Adam found the cameras they used to take photos of the place they went to. He looked through some images and some of them had images of Jonah snapping pictures to capture the moment between them. Jonah was smiling brightly while Adam grumpily tried to swat the camera away from him.

Such good times Adam took for granted.

"Yeah," Adam said, he tried to say as casually as possible, but his voice sounded too high pitched, too strained. The feeling in his chest kept on resonating within, making Adam experience it more and more. He didn't like the feeling one bit, and he knew in order to make it up to Jonah...

No. He lost his chance. 

And he will never see him again and only through pictures will Adam see his happy face.  

Sarah looked at the screen as Adam clicked through the images. She then looked up, straight into Adam's cold blue eyes. "I barely knew who he was," she spoke sadly, "But... I'm sorry for your loss, Adam. I know how it feels."

"Ughh, I feel so weird right now, like as if I'm.... I'm..." Adam rubbed his face slowly with his hands. What was he feeling?

"Feeling what?" Sarah asked, her concerned frown deepening even further. 

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