Yandere! Adam X Yandere! Jonah (ROMANTIC)

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Requested by Wasai on AO3, IDK why this request was so difficult ;_; but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun to do! >:D

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Meanwhile, in an alternate universe far away from ours...

Where alternates do not exist...

But yanderes do.

Let alone two yanderes who love each other with their endless passion.

How strange, is it not? 

It all started with two youthful men, a blonde and a silver haired boy. Where they were part of the organization that fought against the alternates that once roamed the earth. Their love blossomed from there, and the roots only deepened even after the victory over the alternates. Although they were oblivious from each other's feelings that only became more intense as time passed, it seemed they were meant to be together in the end. 

Their tale of great love and destiny is still spoken even today.

One was a tanned skinned individual, with dyed silver hair, a boy named Jonah. He was quite the peculiar individual, as many say. He was always trying to get close to the other, a blonde with blue eyes named Adam. Jonah used drastic measures to isolate Adam away from the others and tried to made him spend time with him, and him only. He even poisoned Adam's other friends so they would end up in the hospital for weeks, for months. During those times Jonah would take the chance to spend his time with Adam, and only with Adam. Soon enough, they became close friends, even more so, than when they were on the run together, and doing investigation on the alternates.

Then one day, Jonah decided to take a step further, and cross the line with Adam's trust in him.

That same day, the silver-haired boy called the blonde over to his house.

"Hello? Is this Jonah?"

"Yep it is. Hey Adam, do you want to come over right now?" Jonah was excited, he couldn't help the tone in his voice seem distantly different and more upbeat than usual.

"Huh. Can I ask you why?" Adam seemed to be curious, but not to the point of suspecting anything.

"I just feel lonely today... it's so boring without you! Can you come over, Adam? Please? Please please please please please?" 

Jonah could hear Adam sighing, then answering. "Alright. I'll be there in a few minutes."

Jonah smiled at this, he knew nagging and pleading always worked for Adam. He thought of what he should serve Adam when he arrives... perhaps a drink. Water, yes. That sounded good...

Soon enough the silver-haired boy heard the doorbell rang, and he rushed over to the front door. He peeked through the peephole, and there he was! The blond was here, in his usual hoodie and ripped jeans, looking more fairer than Jonah had ever seen before. He eagerly opened the door with a smile brighter than usual. "Hey Adam! Thanks for coming over. Come in!"

Adam grinned charmingly as he entered his house, as he did before like the times Jonah had invited him over. His blond curls were so eye-catching for Jonah, but he managed to pry his eyes off and close the door behind him, making sure to lock it. Adam flopped onto the couch right away as he did countless of times before when he came over to Jonah's house, and reached for the remote.

"Do you want some water, Adam?" Jonah asked, barely containing his excitement that wavered through his calm and friendly voice.

Adam didn't seem to notice this as he turned the TV on. "Yeah, sure."

Jonah prepared two cups of water, one for himself and one for Adam. Before he gave it to Adam however, he poured something clear and odorless into Adam's water while his back was turned towards the blonde. Then he offered the cup with a cheerful smile. "Here it is!"

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now