Stanley X Reader (Romantic) (PART 2)

478 6 174

Requested by ShannonIsNoSQUID on WATTPAD

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Beep! Beep!



Battery Level: 🟢⚫⚫⚫⚫


3:33 PM

"Is this shit working?" Six's pale white face can be seen. He is grumbling.

"Yes." Intruder speaks monotone. He points towards the camera. "Lens."

"Alright alright, I know what I'm doing, ya biscuit."

Camera gets flipped over, facing the worn away wooden planks as the floor of the cabin is shown. Little bits of grass, growing on the corners of the cabin's floor. 

"Low battery."

"Shut up, I forgot to charge it yesterday."

"Sounds like a YOU problem, not a ME problem!" Chara's mischievous voice. 

"Hey kid, just stay quiet and sit in that corner over there." Six snaps.

"Make me!" Chara is sticking his tongue out, fingers in the shape of an L in both sides.

"You little shi-"

Someone else takes the camera and holds it steady. Chara and Six are both being filmed, as Intruder holds it. He smacks the back of Six's head. 

"Ow! What the fu-"

"No cussing. Chara here." He states.

"Tell that kid to go eat SHIT for all I care!" Six shouts, hands waving around, the other rubbing the back of his head where he has been hit.

"Ugly driver's license photo man. Shh." Intruder casually insults Six.

"What did you fucking say to m-"

Camera is flying away from Intruder's hand as Six and he starts fist fighting. The camera clatters to the floor, making a crack in the camera lens. Chara carefully picks it up, and films them fighting just as you and Stanley run into the scene.

Just in time.

You yell at the two to stop, and gets between them to physically stop them.

"Please refrain yourself from violence in the house, Six and Intruder." Stanley speaks, his calming charismatic voice heard clearly.

"That bastard kid started it first!!" Six shouted, pointing towards the camera.

You yell at him, defending Chara, to not call him that in front of him.

Chara giggles quietly as they continue arguing, and Stanley tries to mediate while Intruder is just watching them argue-

[Battery Low!]

"Oh," Chara mumbles. "Better turn this shit off."

You point out Chara cussing, and Intruder jumping in to blame Six. They argue again, and Chara fingers the sides of the camera to attempt to turn it off, the angle tilting and unfocusing. 


[Camera was turned OFF]

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