6 X Reader (Alternate ending to Yan!Gabe)

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Requested by DistrustedFailure on Wattpad
(Finally a request with the intruder in it, I was kinda waiting for it but this was unexpected lol)
(Alternate Timeline to Yandere Alt!Gabriel X Reader, this is the good ending)
Warnings: lengthy, sad for alt.gabriel simps lol

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"Welcome to Hell, the eternal abyss, my dear.

"Now you shall reside here with me forever!

"Come and stand by my right hand, without fear.

"You shall be my partner, and my timeless lover."

When you heard those words and opened your eyes you were in Hell.

(Oh great.)

You turned to Lucifer, who was still ever more beautiful as you remembered. You had started to ask him why you were here, but then stopped mid sentence. Obviously you were in Hell because you had taken your own life, and when one forcibly cuts their life sentence, they were to end up in this eternal abyss of despair.

You had failed your Father.

In grief and in pain, you started to weep and cry for your sins. You begged for forgiveness for your stupidity and rashness, but nobody came. No one. Not a single soul except of the false angel. And you turned away from Lucifer in shame and ran away, far into the foul stench and uncomfortable heat and freezing cold at the same time. Lucifer was about to teleport and stop you, but suddenly-

Something attacked him from behind.


Who would DARE?!

The sound of a strange commotion made you turn around in confusion. Lucifer had his silver trident summoned and was fighting back two blurs of his own creations.

What? Why would his own creations rebel against him?

"Psst. Hey, bud."

You turned around to see a familiar face with a familiar voice you missed.

It was Six.

You excitedly called his name, but he shushed you. "Let's escape first, then talk later. Follow me!"

He took your hand by his own and summoned a screen mid air to teleport through. He quickly and efficiently lifted you and helped you get in. You could hear the two alternates fighting behind hiss and screech in pain as they were brutally killed. They didn't stand a chance against their lord.

Lucifer swiveled his head towards the two people escaping. "Where do you think you're going, Six my dear? Don't you dare take my child away from me!!"

Six flinched and jumped through the screen smoothly as Lucifer hurled the trident he was holding at him. Six managed to dodge it midair, but the weapon still pricked at his upper right arm with a splash of dark purple blood. Six quickly closed the screen portal as he fell onto his back as Lucifer reached out to you with his elegant hands.

A comfortable yet slightly tense silence. You rushed to Six, worried about his injury. The cut on his arm was pretty deep, and bleeding heavily through the torn fabric of his black poncho-like robe. He was holding his arm with his hand in pain, but he saw you and managed a small, wiry grin. "Don't worry about me, bud," he said with his usual raspy voice. His hood had fell of in its place when he was escaping Hell, and revealed his stiff, straw hair the color of dark charcoal. Instead of looking very mysterious like he preferred to look like, he looked like a human man in the late 20s or early 30s. Despite his oddity of a human trait like a seemingly broken crooked nose and a slightly mismatched eye placement, he was decent looking. You slightly blushed in embarrassment and looked away.

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now