Evelin X Male!Reader (Romance) (Fluff/comfort)

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Requested by Anonymous0000222827 on AO3

Evelin IS honestly underrated, the actor is actually pretty and is awesome with art :D

. . . . .

You were a little boy, all alone. Sitting on the side of the curb and not daring to look up at the kids playing in the playground. You just played with the sand below with a stick in your hand, drawing of you in the sand, a lone stickman in the sea of the little grains. You didn't know how to talk: nobody taught you how. You understood words but couldn't form them on your mouth: it frustrated you.

But that was when you met her.

Evelin Miller.


She ran up to you with her friends trailing behind, Adam and Jonah. They were young and cheerful... unlike you, who was broody and quiet. Antisocial.

The person who spoke to you was Evelin herself. A cute girl of wavy brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

"You look a little lonely. You want to play with us?"

Her voice was cute and high pitched, like any other girl would be, but her voice was quieter and more refined to politeness. You liked that. You never liked loud sounds, especially loud voices. But hers?

Always worth hearing from.

This was where your friendship started with the groups. Or, more like, your crush on Evelin. Everyone called her Eve for short, and so you allowed yourself to call her that nickname. She was a kind person in general: sure, Adam and Jonah were great people to be friends with, but with Eve it was a different story. The more you spent time with her the more you fell in love with her. She changed your life forever with such positivity: how could you not fall in love with a person like her?

A decade later, you were eighteen. You planned to confess your love to her by inviting her to the prom, but...


He beat you by mere seconds, and confessed HIS love to her first. Of course you were jealous: you had prepared a bouquet of red roses, a box of chocolates, and even a heartfelt hand written letter. All that for nothing, because Adam...

Ugh. Whatever. Best not to dwell on the past.

Jonah, Adam, and Evelin all joined a club known as the Bythorne Paranormal Investigations, which later became big and changed name into the Bythorne Paranormal Society, or the BPS. You didn't join: you couldn't bring yourself to. Adam was with Evelin, and you didn't wanted to be the third wheel. So you didn't join, despite the urge to do so.

But it was just another normal day in Bythorne County when something happened.

Something terrible, but so wonderful.

You were just having a normal conversation with Adam, when you asked how Evelin was doing.

"Oh, her? That bitch? We broke up. Ugh, whatever."

You were shocked to hear such foul words from Adam's mouth that was intended to hurt and insult Eve. You were angry, but you kept your composure and asked why they did.

Adam's rant was enough to hear that they broke up very, VERY badly.

"No idea what her issue was," Adam scoffed then continued with a tone that sounded like he was feeling absurded. "She keeps making shit up about me! Just on a whim, constantly. There's always something new with her..." Your mind forgot how to pay attention to words for a moment before your brain was able to pick up his sentences again. "I have no idea what's she's like with other guys, or if she's had this problem with other guys and past relationships, but there's got to be something up with her. She tries to make me sound like I'm crazy. And I feel like I know myself enough to know that's fucking bullshit. Oh like, I'm sorry for being the mentally stable one in our relationship. She's got some loose screws up there man." 

At the last sentence Adam pointed to his own head and twirled it around after tapping twice on his temple accusingly. You heard nothing of what he was saying after that. You made sure to remember that you should comfort her later on no matter what Adam, or Evelin, thinks of you doing so.

. . . . .

That decision you made was the best choice you have ever made in your life.

You couldn't confront her directly, you were too socially awkward and it felt like calling her was for the better. She opened up to you after some small talk, sobbing as she did so. "He was always the nicest guy up until he started the investigations with Jonah, you know that [Name]!" she sniffed as she vented to you. Luckily you were always the therapist of the group so that was that. Gosh, even her sniffles were cute-er, no. [Name], focus. 

"I-I never believed in that kind of stuff, he always came across as a skeptic, so I'm just more surprised than anything, you know?" Eve continued. "I mean, there was always something going on with him but he just never told me... We got into a big fight over it and he just told me some awful, terrible things that I had just wish he had never told me."

You were understanding and empathetic to her. And this was when you saw the chance, to finally form a romantic relationship with her! So you had offered to meet up with her on a small library to try and cheer her up. And she accepted your offer! You were honestly, very excited. Who wouldn't, after your friend broke up with your crush? 

As you and Eve spent more time together, Evelin started to develop feelings for you too. She seemed to recognize that you were a possibly better partner than Adam was. After all, she broke up with him for a reason. Jonah teased them about their relationship all the time, poking at their feelings for each other and jokingly saying that they would marry each other. You didn't think THAT far ahead, but that would've been nice.

Jonah seemed to snitch on this information, and told Adam about the ongrowing emotions between you and Evelin. Adam blocked you and Evelin for now, but you hoped he would stabilize his mind and be friends with them again. You didn't want to break apart with your old friends, because you knew gaining a new one would be extremely difficult. You were too antisocial...

But lucky for you, Evelin would be there to fill up that gap you had for a long time. 

The small meetings eventually turned into dates, and when you confessed your love to her and she accepted, Jonah popped out of nowhere and expressed his happiness towards both of their status. He seemed to be fine being single, but no matter: you were glad he was there to support both of you.

You were happy you got to finally date with your first and last crush you've ever had.

. . . . .

Sorry it's short and the plot is mediocre, I lost motivation halfway and then managed to pick it up again... I don't like the hastily wrapped up ending either... sorry ;-;

The next chapter though... :) very powerful piece, don't worry

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