Dave X Reader (Angst/Fluff/Comfort) (PLATONIC)

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I've been taking lots of romance, so to even things up I decided for platonic (since Requestor didn't specify if they wanted romance/platonic, I chose platonic. If you initially wanted romance I can tweak this chapter to a more romantic one, like how it said in the first chapter)

Requested by unstablefish on WATTPAD, thanks for the first Dave Lee request!! Honestly this character is real decent too, why no one request of him?

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"Sorry, [Name] my buddy chum pal, I think I would need to close down MandelaTECH for good."

You were surprised to hear that tragedy, especially since Dave took care and owned the shop as if he owned a puppy he loved dearly. Ever since his college years, he had started this small business and had been successful until the recent years of the alternate invasion.

You also worked in this shop for a very long time as a coworker of his, and a friend of his. So you were sad to hear that he would have to close MandelaTECH for good. You met him through this shop, and became best friends. He was a decently chill guy, with a goofy mustache and always having sunglasses on. He wore a t shirt everyday that had the print of the shop name on. Every. Single. Fay. Without a skip.

You just hoped he did wash those t shirts regularly, or has multiple of the same shirts. Based on what you knew, they didn't smell bad and on the contrary, smelled like lavender. You knew this fact because you were standing in front of him, conversing about the terrible situation you both would have to go through. You expressed your sorrow and disbelief to him.

"Yeah, I have to close this baby girl, and..."

You frowned as he knitted his mustache thoughtfully. "Luckily, I did get a job opportunity at the Saint Gabriel Church from O'Brien. A gig performance. I'll take it from there."

You nodded, then asked if you could join also.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him about it and see what he says. I haven't told him about shutting down yet. Actually, let me do it now, thanks for reminding me, bud."

Dave took out his Nokia phone and dialed in a number and put it next to his ears.

The receiver answered, and Dave visibly brightened up and spoke a "Hello."

Dave exited the building for a moment to call. After a few minutes, he came back in the shop again, still on the call but almost to the end of it.

"Alright, thanks O'Brien, see you soon." 

The call ended, and Dave put away his phone with a chuckle. "Such a nice fellow," he said with a kind smile. "A few days ago, I rejected his offer because, you know how I am, I'm no religious person, you know that." Here he laughed again jokingly, and you grinned along with him. No matter the hard times Dave went through, he was always smiling through the pain: you liked that and respected that part of him.

"But uh, yeah, I'm sorry bud, he rejected you being here. A little strange, huh? Especially since O'Brien is such a laid-back guy, and he usually doesn't reject any harmless job offers."

You nodded, sending that something was definitely strange. You haven't seen or heard much of O'Brien, but from what Dave told you he was a nice guy. Like he said, he was never the one to reject people looking for job opportunities.

"Well, I gotta go," Dave said, "but if you need anything call me right away, alright buddy chum pal?"

You nodded, and shook his hand and gave him a hug and pat his back. Dave was smiling yet again, kindly despite the fact he had to shut MandelaTECH down.

Mandela Catalogue REQUESTS (COMPLETE) (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now