Jonah X Reader (Romantic) (Angst w/ Comfort)

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Requested by WhyamihereREBORN on Wattpad

Warning! Weird elements mentioned here.... Like IDK what to say for this...I just hope you enjoy ;_;

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You woke up with a painful gasp and sat up quickly on your bed.

You looked around in paranoia. Your room looked exactly like before, dark and comfy, with only the bed you were laying on, a desk on one side of the room, doorway to the hallway outside, the closet door, and a bathroom.

You felt the terrible feeling of being watched. 

You woke up with a nightmare stuck in your mind. To think of it, the nightmare was kind of funny to look back on. There was an angel in the color of grayscale, smiling with tranquility and hands clasped, and speaking the words that he was the archangel Gabriel he claimed to be. Then he managed to keep you comfortable in his home, as a guest. It was a strange concept to you that he had a home. 

But it got weirder from there. Gabriel summoned the whole solar system in front of you, took the sun that was the size of a giant yoga ball in one hand, and ping-pong ball sized earth on the other. He startlingly took out a white apron and a chef's hat, put it on rather efficiently and flawlessly, and produced a frying pan out of mid air. He put the sun in front of him and earth in the frying pan, and started to fry it with seasoning and olive oil. Gabriel actually seemed to be a great chef, as he was very good and relaxed when cooking. 

Yes, of course this part is funny. It's unexpected.

But the nightmarish part was his face.

You can never describe what was going on with his-its face while it stared at you with eyes too many. It spoke to you in a jarring whisper, and even though it was too fast for you to understand, you understood the message. This eldritch being with a face of pure infinity that no human can ever handle with their mortal brain and eyes, told you things you did not desire to hear. While casually setting the world and baking it alive, ready to be devoured by itself. 

This filled you with terror.

And thus you were awake, looking around. You hoped alternates couldn't get into dreams, but... it felt that you had been inflicted with M.A.D. You were feeling too paranoid despite that it was only a bad nightmare.

Hopefully only a bad nightmare. All just a bad dream, right?

You took a shuddering breath. Your brain could never conjure up something so unearthly. 

Okay. You didn't know what time it was. But you needed to call him. Someone who would care to listen to you. And you just had the right person in mind to call.

You scrolled through your phone and clicked on Jonah's name.

The phone rang three times before he answered.

"Hughhh... hullo???"

He sounded groggy and tired, as if he just woke up. You asked him about that, and Jonah was quiet for a moment, seemingly in confusion, before he answered.

"Uh... [Name] my babe... It's 3 in the morning."

You looked at the clock. Oh yeah. It did say 3:33 am. You felt bad for waking Jonah up late, but now that he did answer the call, you might as well tell him.

"Why did you call me? Anything wrong?"

You told him about the nightmare.

Jonah was quiet, listening to you with patience. After you stopped talking, he had gone completely silent. You called his name in panic, making sure if he was actually there or not. What if he got kidnapped? Paranoia and panic surged through you as these negative thoughts plagued your mind. What if he got killed by an alternate? Or what if his battery was dead? What if Jonah actually didn't love you and he actually straight up ignored you-?!

Jonah suddenly burst into laughter, and you flinched in surprise. After a moment of your confusion you started to laugh nervously along with him as well.

"[Name], I am really sorry to laugh at your nightmare," Jonah said, "But that is honestly the most hilarious thing I have ever heard during the nights I have been awake. HAHAHAHA, a fake angle having the dream to become a world chef and frying the whole entire world? Funny. Isn't it?"

You agreed, but you were still unsettled and you told him why. The concept was a little comedic and a little out of place, you thought, but it was the face and what it told you that shook you down to the core. 

Jonah quieted. "Sorry, babe," he said sheepishly. "Shouldn't have laughed. Admittedly funny, but still. A nightmare is a nightmare. But hey," his voice got gentle and caring, "Don't sweat it too much. Even if anything bad happens to you, I'll be there for you, 'kay?"

You sniffed and told him you understood. You smiled warmly. He was such a sweetheart to you.

"Aight, Imma go to sleep now," Jonah said, "If you get another one of your... goofy-ahh nightmares, call me right away when you need to, alright? Don't worry about me."

You bid him good night and apologized for the sudden interruption.

"Hey, it's fine, don't worry too much. Good nighty, babe. Sweet dreams."

The call ended, and that same night you slept ever more peacefully than you ever had before.

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Alt. Gabriel really wants to be a universally talented cook, huh? I bet us and our planet earth tastes like shit, I don't think he'd like the flavor very much.... What have I done... What have I written..... :/

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