82.Female Lee Marco

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When  Lisa heard his words, she glared at him. 'This man is truly shameless. Humph'.

She chose to ignore him and focused on her food.

Seeing her reaction, he grinned.

After a while, Jungkook spoke, "Tomorrow is the interview for Global World at 11 in the morning. So you have today's day to prepare. I have prepared some documents regarding the Global world, you can give it a read. It will help you, in your interview." he said while eating the last bite of his toast and after completing his words he looked at her.

When she heard his words, she smiled at him. She almost forgot about the interview but he remembered and prepared documents for her to read. She was overwhelmed with his considerate gesture.

She said in a low voice, "Thank You" while keeping her hand on his.

He smiled back. He was happy to see her reaction. Last night, he worked till late even after drinking, to prepare materials for her. Now he has seen her smile, his all efforts were worth it. He never thought that she would get overwhelmed with only this small thing.

Now he knows, that Lisa likes these small things rather than extravagant things. So he needs to do these kinds of things more to make her happy.

After that he left for the office and Lisa took the documents to her room, to read them.

When Jungkook reached his office, his secretary stood up and greeted him. When he saw her, he stopped momentarily, she looked up at him and shuddered seeing his cold face. She still remembered yesterday's incident where he scolded her in front of everyone. She looked down to avoid his eye contact.

Seeing her head down, he opened the door and went inside.

When he sat on the chair, he started reading some documents that were pending to be signed.

After some time when he was busy in his work, there was a knock on the door. He said, "Come in" without looking up.

The door pushed open, his personal assistant Suho entered the office with a worried expression on his face.

He hurriedly went to Jungkook and called him, "Sir". When Jungkook heard his worried voice he looked up and saw his worried and panicked state. He furrowed his voice and coldly asked, " What is it?"

When Suho heard his words, he went to his side and opened the phone in his hand to show him a video. He looked at Suho in confusion and furrowed his brows. But turned to look at the video.

When he looked at the video, he furrowed his brows and took over the phone from him. This video is of Lisa when she had treated that middle-aged lady, who got injured in an accident when they were returning from the Jeon Mansion.

After the video had ended he looked at Suho to know more details. Suho understood his meaning and explained to him the details.

"Sir, this video has gone viral on the internet. And because people don't know about Madam's identity as Mrs Jeon, they were calling her ' Female Lee Marco'."

Jungkook furrowed his brows and said, "Female Lee Marco?" he asked Suho.

Suho hurriedly went to explain and said,

"Sir, the Lee Marco was the oriental Chinese doctor who has introduced this technique of medicine to treat many diseases in ancient times. And they're saying, that madam also used the same technique. So people are calling her, female Lee Marco. Because experts are saying that they haven't seen anyone to use this kind of technique with such ease and that too without any machines. "

When Jungkook heard his words, he looked at him with confusion. He doesn't know what to say. If people were had showed him this video earlier, he would have not believed it, but he had seen this scene itself so he knows how expertly she treated that lady. He couldn't help but remember that incident. He sighed.

Though there is nothing wrong with the video but he felt that he should put a stop this matter before it could go further.

He then looked at Suho and said, "What about that lady who got injured that day?" he almost forgot about that incident. He knows if something has happened to that lady then Lisa could get in trouble because of it.

He asked Suho about it while twitching his eyebrows.

Suho hurriedly said, "Sir, I have checked with the hospital about that day. The lady and her child is safe and sound. I asked one of my doctor friends, there and he explained that when they checked that lady they were shocked. As it was a case of hit and run and moreover she was three months pregnant too. It was dangerous for the mother and child."

He paused for a while and continued,

"But due to Madam's treatment, that lady survived. All the doctors were surprised after the lady reached the hospital they saw her condition and it was stabled. They just had to stitch up her wounds and they put her on observation as she was three months pregnant. And that lady was the Mistress of the Gim family, and the child in her womb is the heir of Gim family. So they wanted to thank Madam for her help. "

He said with the excitement on his face.

Gim's family was one of the prominent families in the country S, they had a background of the military. And Jeon corporations were trying to get affiliated with Gim's family in business, and if that happens, this will make Jeon Corporations more powerful than ever. There hold in S County will become, unchallenged.

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