Q and A answers

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(A/N: Please go check out A Home it's up and shaytardsss12 will be writing it! Also thanks to shaytardsss12 , lolgirl87 , shaytards_animallove , Dearbhla_Lavery for commenting.


Q: Doesn't it seem a little bit crazy how you got here?

A: Yes,it is. But it's how we meet our awesome family! Life would be boring without them!

Q: Love ya Diana

A: Not a question but..... Thanks!


Q: At what event did you find out you were preggers?

A: Um, I actually find out I was pregnant about two days before I told the girls. I first told Shay, the day before I told the girls.

Shay and Colette:

Q: Was tard #9 planned?

A: Ummmm, no, tard number 9 was not planned. (Shay) *looks at Colette *Colette looks nervous in a funny way. Well....... Just kidding tard number nine wasn't planned.


Q: Who was Lisa's Bff and what are her friends qualities?

A: Well, my best friends, I can't pick one, but the closest of my bff's would be Avia, Emmi, Braille, Diana, Kiki (even though we fight a lot),Brock, Daxton, Gavin, my friends, Kayla and Olivia from school, and my friend, Riley from gymnastics. My friends are very crazy and sassy and daring yet awesome!


Q: Why are you such a badass?

A: Because that's how I roll! And I awesome like that, so yeah. There are just no words to describe my badass-ness. Is that even a word, lol.


Q: Who is Jackie's bff?

A: Like Lisa, I don't have one bff. My bff's are Sophia, Lisa, Kiki, Diana, Braille, Cooper, Gage, Winston, Daxton, Brock, Gavin, my friends, Skylar, Mackenna, and Fiona from school and Crystal and Penelope from Cheer and swim since mom let's Sophia and I take swim.

Q: Would you ever stop being friends with Lisa?

A:Never! Even though we might not agree on everything, we have been through hell together!


Q: What would you do if you would fail a class?

A: Well, first, I would freak the hell out! Second, I would immediately run to Diana and Kiki and explain the situation. Third, our squads will unite and gain up on the teacher! Jk! Lol, but I would try to hide my report card, kinda like Kiki and get my grades up next semester! But a part of me would talk to mom about it and see if she understands.

Q: What would you do if you were in Kiki's shoes?

A: I would either do what Kiki did, or tell my mom. I would probably get grounded, and so that's why I would choose hiding it as my first option!

Jackie and Sophia:

Q: Do you like Cooper?

A: Heck yeah we do! He is the most awesome brother ever! Sometimes he might get on your nervs, but he is a forgiving boy at the end. And besides, he is really awesome and fun to hang out with!


Q: First impression of Jackie and Sophia?

A: When I saw them, I knew they were the girls that would fit into our family. Besides, Cooper needed buddies to play with! And they fit perfectly into our family!


Q: Would you ever date someone and not tell your sisters?

A: Well, at first, I wouldn't tell them. But if I had to choose with sister to tell first o would tell Kiki first, since were close, then Diana. I wouldn't tell the younger ones because they would go off telling mom and dad.


Q: Would you ever kiss a girl?

A: Ew! No! Girls have cooties! I don't like girls, except for grandma, my aunts, my cousins, and my sisters!


Q: Do you think about Diana, Kiki, Lisa, Jackie, and Sophia meeting the shaytards?

A: I actually do. Diana said they coincidently ran into them! But there lucky to be apart of the family! And sometimes I get jealous, but I realize I have my own family who loves me!


Q: First impression of Jackie and Sophia?

A: When mom first told me we were adopting them, I was so happy! I would finally not be alone anymore and I would have someone to play with. Sure, I have my cousins and I love them and everything but they don't live with me!


Q: Will you help me write the story? (shaytardsss12 )

A: Hell yeah I will!

Q: Why is Diana mentioned more than Lisa or Kiki or Jackie or Sophia?

A: Because in this book, Diana was the main character. However, in the sequel, that should be up soon, Kiki will be the main character.

Q: Where did you come up with the idea of this story?

A: Me and shaytardsss12 were talking about watt-pad and then it had gotten a idea to make a story about us and the shaytards and with my other cousins and sister and that's were a journey was born.


Q: First Impression of Lisa and Jackie?

A: When I first met them, I automatically knew we would become friends. Wait, best friends! They were awesome and so cool and I knew we would click!

Diana, Kiki, Lisa, Sophia, Jackie:

Q: Will you guys ever run into the woods again?

A: No! Our family is really cool and unlike the rude, crappy orphanage people, or the kids, we wouldn't leave them for the world.

Q: Will you guys ever go back to your old home and feel like your home like home home?

A: No! We wouldn't! We can't go back, after our original family was dead. Besides, we can't handle the memories. It brings back the pain of loosing them. Good thing we have a good family that loves us now. Besides, if anyone asked us to go back, we would say no. It brings everything sad and happy yet sad back.

So some questions weren't actual questions, but nice comments, so thanks lolgirl87 for commenting a lot of comments!

And a huge shoutout for shaytardsss12 so follow her and she will be posting the sequel shortly. So follow shaytardsss12 shaytardsss12 shaytardsss12 shaytardsss12 shaytardsss12 and follow her!

So yeah, bye!

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