48. Close Call

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Werewolves are annoying sometimes with their little attitudes and it is not the cute kind. They complain more than any other supernatural creature I've ever met in my long life and haven't changed their ideologies much over the centuries. Liam claims to be changing the world for the better, but ultimately, he's the same as the rest of his dog friends at no fault of his own. I can say that werewolves are worse at being persnickety more so than sorcerers, who are far and few in between these days so they keep to themselves, and that group looks down on everybody because of their own inflated egos.

Of course, the menu here is full of different options, this is France you uncultured swine and there are other creatures besides your carnivorous selves! Geography must not be in the werewolf education system but landmarking should have been. Then they'd know that Paris, France is riverside and not that far from the coast. Dumb dogs, I swear. I intentionally ate loud and obnoxiously because I knew it would bother the little ole Alpha wolf. The texture of the snails was the perfect way to rile him up and it worked like a charm. He's too easy. I didn't want to eat in the first place, but Alec made me and unlike werewolves I can't eat four servings in one sitting, especially before a mission that has me feeling high strung. The lightness of escargot seemed like a good choice, but with the bile rising in my throat thinking about what comes next for me, I'm beginning to second guess my dinner choice even if it grossed out Liam much to my satisfaction.

I can honestly say that I've only felt scared a few times in my life and I can count them all on a single hand. What I'm about to do is one of them. I'm shaking my ass off as I prepare to zipline across the street to the balcony of the room belonging to Elijah the golden-boy demi-god himself. That Fucker. I don't know if I'm truly ready to see him again and if he comes back to his room in the ten minutes that I spend inside, I'll be paralyzed. If the Goddess ever decides to answer a prayer or two of mine, I hope not being near him is one of them. I don't want to have to encounter that asshat grandson of hers. I have the knife strapped across my thigh just in case and Liam hasn't asked about it although I know he saw it and as nosey as he is that's weird since I found the damn box on his territory, but alright. I have a few questions to ask the Goddess when she's available because it isn't like I can storm myself into her garden any time I want, and I have no problem raising my voice until she answers me. I've done it before.

You know that saying all saints have a past or some shit like that? Well, I'm not a saint by any means, but I definitely have a past and I'm hoping I don't have to face him in the next few minutes. My mission is to sneak into his room, find his laptop, put this technology device thingy in what Luca described as a USB port, wait for it to upload, and skedaddle my ass out of there in ten minutes or less. Should be easy peasy sneaking into a. demi-god's hotel room and figuring out his password... Ugh. I'm the one to do this only because I'm the quickest and can jump down from this height without breaking anything in my body like my furry counterparts and Luca has to do the computer nerd crap. I will admit that they are strong but more fragile than I am, physically at least.

"You can do this, you're a bad bitch." I plug my headphones into my ear as I scroll through my ipod to pick a good jam for motivation. Bad Girls by M.I.A, here we go.

Alec reassures me with a tight embrace as he fastens the ropes and clicks the carabiner to secure me in the holster. I don't have to hear him say the words out loud to know I have his heart completely, but the support he gives by the lovey dovey shit helps me relax a little. He crashes his lips onto mine as I'm about to do what feels like a rush into my death. I may be immortal but if anything could kill me Elijah would be able to and in a way he has before.

Getting over to this side of the street wasn't difficult but the smell in this room is making bile rise in my throat, which is a problem and confirms eating snails for dinner was a big mistake on my part, huge. His signature scent fills my nostrils and not even the music in my ear can distract me from it and the memories I have associated with it that ruin it for me. I can't pick up any other scents so no one else has been inside this room with him and I assume he hasn't gotten on the bed since the bedding is still nice and crisp with a hotel chocolate adorning the pillow. I locate his computer while typing in my guesses for a password gaining access after three attempts. This mother fucker seriously that's his password? I plug the drive into the port and alert Liam that everything is a go.

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