26. Over It

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Liam has been so unbearable lately and he doesn't even see it. I am a patient wolf, but he's made me reach my limit and is absolutely getting on my nerves. If trying to push me into having a pup into our lives wasn't enough, he has started this ridiculous need to Alpha out, which has made me avoid him as much as possible. It's gotten worse now that Eric has come to stay permanently in Pinewood. Lately we have only had dinner together and slept overnight with one another, otherwise I busy myself with my girlfriends, Danny when he isn't busy training and doing whatever single wolves do and taking shifts at the hospital occasionally. I've been spending more time with Eric since he has been here, and it has been refreshing. He feels like home, and I can't explain why.

Every time I've mentioned Eric's name, even if it's regarding work, Liam has given a dirty look or used a condescending tone that ticks me off so bad I might explode. Don't even get me started on his behavior during our meeting in the conference room. Marissa used her calming magic to try to alleviate the atmosphere to be more positive and calming, but you could still feel the heaviness thick in the air. I don't think my mate was even paying attention to the real issues at hand and was glaring at Eric instead. The information Eric provided is insightful and has my mind running a million miles an hour putting everything together. There are so many pieces in this puzzle and with what he's provided I've gained more clarity. What does Liam find to be more important right now truly? I swear to Goddess if he tries to go as far as peeing on me to claim his territory, I will flip my shit. I already wear his mark and Eric and I are not romantically attracted to each other by any means.

Both my human and wolf side are upset with our mate, and she has been itching to lash out with a piece of her mind, but we could never truly hurt him, because that would hurt us and Max who has remained levelheaded. The desire to make Liam submit to me has grown immensely, which shouldn't even be happening. We are mates and meant to be equals. Goddess, he is so frustrating.

Fated, or chosen, mates must communicate and work together for a happy, healthy, and functioning bond. I'm an Alpha wolf too and Savvy and I are close to lashing out at the one we share our bond with just because he refuses to accept a reformed wolf. Eric has done bad things in the past sure, but he is no longer his father's minion and has mase many positive changes about himself. I've forgiven Eric, so why can't he? I don't have the expectation of them becoming best of friends and I understand Liam's need to protect his Luna and mate, but professionalism and formalities without malice dripping off your tone go a long way.

Liam and I haven't been able to talk about our issues like civilized beings because we disagree on so many things lately, and it gets unbearable when I bring up Eric. Although it would be nice to be able to read his mind about his beef with this guy, he has his block up about that specific male and wolf. Savvy used to say to give him time, but like I said earlier she is also losing patience with him and doesn't have that sentiment anymore. It has been almost a year and a half now since the Battle of Red Dawn and I refuse to let Liam stay stuck in this anger phase. It happened and it sucked, but we must move on from it. It got really ugly between us when I told Liam that Eric would be staying here in the pack house on our floor, but he obliged with clenched teeth. I shouldn't have to filter what I say to my mate, and I've grown weary of being snipped at or ignored when he no longer wants to discuss something. He's acting like a toddler that didn't get his way, which is not a respectable way for a grown wolf to behave, especially an Alpha. It worries me he will never understand the connection I feel toward Eric and his wolf Owen and that both angers and saddens me. Eric said he felt the same way and as of now we have no idea why and our wolves are tight lipped if they have the answer to our questions.

I wouldn't allow him to come up to me after the meeting because I was appalled by his behavior. He managed to grab my arm on my way out and I almost gave way to the warmth and tingles, but I overcame it keeping my face stoic and putting my other hand up as an order to stop advancing toward me. The world is bigger than him and I and our issues. I made sure he felt every wave of anger rolling off me through our bond as I walked away from him. I know Savvy misses Max and so do I, but I just can't handle his attitude about Eric on top of everything else right now. There's too much built up resentment for me to interact with him right now and not say something I might regret.

To let out some steam I shifted into Savvy and ran to the Lake. It's Autumn now and the weather is perfect. It's not too hot or cold and the air crisp with a beautiful arrangement of warm fall colors. Mild humidity due to the huge lake on our lands, but otherwise perfect. The hues of orange, yellow, red, and brown adorn the ground as they rest at the bottom of large trees and are crunchy under my paws. This has always been my favorite time of year and I refuse to let Liam ruin my mood even further as I take in the beauty of our territory praying to the Goddess for strength and direction.

He shouldn't freak out not being able to find me with my block up and will find the note void of sentiments that I left in our room when he makes it back there. I decided to stay with my parents and brother for the night and help them we prepare for tomorrow night. I'm using it as a way to refresh and clear my head away from the one meant to calm me and although I haven't slept apart from him since we got together, I'm hoping I don't have issues sleeping in my childhood room tonight. All of this makes me both angry and sad, but until we overcome this bitterness between us our relationship will remain this way. He also needs to loosen the reigns and give me the freedom to be me. I'm not a porcelain doll that will break if I'm dropped and the way he smothers me is so unattractive. He's gone as far as telling me what I should and shouldn't wear and I'm over it.

I can't help but be excited for Danny and I know he is more than ready to hold his title of Gamma. We have had our issues but have resolved them to foster a great sibling relationship between proving how he has grown so much. He has put on a ton of muscle too and grown a few inches taller that he's bigger than dad now. He does have mom's Alpha blood running through him, though so it is to be expected he would be larger than most Gamma's.

Being back on the Gamma floor doesn't weird me out since I grew up here and my room is the way I left it, for now. My parents are working on moving out within the coming week so Danny can prepare the floor decor as he likes it. It is the way it works. Danny will have the master bedroom and have the other rooms for his family when he meets his mate. He offered to let my parents stay, but they chose the house next door to Jack and Clara, hopefully they keep their activities in the privacy of their home for my parents' sake. I have seen my former Alpha and his mate's body more than I ever wanted to outside of shifting nudity. We have had to get on to them so many times for not locking doors and using public spaces.

After a quick nap I'll start getting dressed for the party. Lucy always makes the best dresses, and I can't wait to put on this a line emerald green dress. The plunging neckline is daring, but I've grown more confident, and it is tasteful as it doesn't reveal too much with the sheer nude fabric between the space. Green is my signature color, and it contrasts well with my pale skin and red hair, and I made sure Liam didn't know what I was ordering when I asked for a dress to this event. Green the color for healing, which makes it even more fitting for me regarding my power.

"You look hot has hell my hooman!" Savvy shouts. Language lady. C'mon we are meant to be respectable as I chortle at her words. Plus, I'm over wearing leggings and an oversized sweatshirt all the damn time. I like being comfortable, but I haven't worn anything that exposes my shoulders or lower legs in over a year thanks to Liam. I should have stood my ground sooner I just didn't want to fight with my mate. It feels damn good to wear something that makes me feel beautiful.

I make my way downstairs with my family, de ja vu from my Luna ceremony, only this time I am certain I won't be taken away. I make eye contact with Liam, and he looks at me with lust filled eyes with a hint of possessiveness. I can't help the blush that creeps up to my cheeks and smile lovingly at my mate even though I'm angry with him. The mate bond is a force to be reckoned with and a gift from the Goddess no doubt. It is a fight I have with the Moon Goddess because although forgiveness is divine, mate bonds require respect too and why are we programmed to love someone who doesn't always allow us to love ourselves?

Every Pinewood member is present, minus those on patrol, and Danny sits proudly at the table awaiting to welcome the title transfer. Animosity is coming from Liam and is directed toward Eric who pays no mind to it because his eyes are locked on someone else at the party. She notices too and slightly pales but remains stoic in her seat to avoid drawing attention to herself. Danny is also charmed with someone as soon as the clock strikes midnight. Interesting pairing from the Moon Goddess on both accounts, but I'm sure she didn't make a mistake in her choices even if I'm beginning to question mine.

Danny officially took over and absorbed the Gamma power smoothly, but you know we can never end the celebration without a bang. Ayyyyye here we go.

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя