27. Alliances

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I'm beginning to feel that having large ceremonies always causes the opportunity for shenanigans to happen. Celebrating the growth and success of our members is important don't get me wrong, but the number of shockers we have experienced since I've ascended as Luna Queen is pretty intense and I couldn't help but be cautious about how tonight would end.

I put much thought into creating the seating assignments though I knew not everyone would be appreciative of where they were placed. Mostly Liam who constantly looked past me to glare at Eric who stared at the witch across the table. The room was decorated in our traditional pack colors of green and gold and was simple in its design. Although we removed the pack at the end of our name to accommodate those who live here the colors are still fitting due to their meaning. Green is universally known for healing and growth, which we have done a lot of since Liam and I have taken over, and gold is multifaceted for royalty and divinity and power. Liam and I are King and Queen after all, although he isn't behaving quite like one lately and we both thin believe the Goddess has blessed the beings living here.

The transfer of power happened gracefully and everyone in the room could see the proud look on my mom and dad's face as Danny took his oath swearing to protect every one of us as the Gamma. The stroke of midnight introduced us to some news we weren't anticipating and let me tell you what I saw as I scanned my eyes around the room.

Eric stared at Wendy with lust in his eyes the entire evening and if I'm not mistaken, he watched her like a mate. I've heard second chance mates are a rarity in our world, but it looks as if the Goddess blessed Eric and if anyone deserves it, he does. Wendy looked shocked at the hungry wolf and ran out the door with a scared expression on her face with Eric tailed close behind her. I'll ask him or her later about this situation if they are willing to share but ultimately it is their own business. Liam had to involve himself of course letting out a growl as he gets up to follow them, despite my protest as I grab his arm. He pays me no mind breaking free of my hold. There is absolutely no reason for him to interfere. Wendy can hold her own and luckily the pack didn't notice this interaction because they were focused on another couple taking over the room's spotlight.

Danny's broad shoulders square up as he stands with his fists clenched tight to his sides, nose sniffing the air as he faces Luca. There is a smirk plastered on his face as he walks slowly with open arms toward Danny. Oh my, does this mean what I think it means? A possessive growl fills the room and the word "Mate!" releases from Danny's lips once they make contact. I knew it and am so happy for them! It makes me wonder why Luca never said anything since vampires know who their mate when they meet them even if they aren't eighteen.

Applause breaks out in the room with whistles and cheers for the newly found mates, especially a couple that are high-ranking. As we raise our glasses for a toast to the couple the door swings open with a loud bang as two wolves burst through the frame. Seriously, what kind of security do we have around here? We are known to be the safest place with our reinforced walls and everything, so that leaves me to question, who let them through?

If that wasn't enough that two rogues in human form are standing in our doorway Marissa starts glowing and a puddle of water sits at her feet. However, that isn't water, that's her babies saying they are ready to arrive, and she needs to get to the pack doctor right away.

The two rogues are identified as Margaret who has been presumed dead because no one has seen or heard from her since that night at Red Dawn and a male that appears to be around the same age as her who is also her mate. Why exactly are they here?

I'm too confused right now with everything going on while I stand alone without Liam by my side because he thinks messing with Eric will make him feel better in some way. I hide my frustrations to the group by keeping a stoic look on my face because I refuse to let them see me as weak. I then order two guards to put cuffs on them to take them down to the cells for questioning while I bring back order to the atmosphere and bid everyone goodnight. I promise to update them tomorrow afternoon about everything so that don't feel we are keeping things from them or don't have control here.

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