20. Cryptic Codes

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I groan in discomfort as I wake up to the sounds of soft waves crashing against a shoreline and the echoes of wildlife scurrying around me. My eyes are heavy, but I slowly open them to look around me as I force myself to sit up. As I take in my surroundings, I know I'm not at Red Dawn anymore or at Pinewood.

The mood of the atmosphere gave it away because the air is cool and light, but with a touch of something different. Something magical in a sense is the best way to describe it and otherworldly. I can't tell if it is day or night here because the sky is both bright with the color of the sun and covered in stars that make up the many constellations of the night sky. I've never seen anything like this place before, but it is beautiful although that description doesn't give it justice. The only things I don't like is that I don't know exactly where I am, Liam isn't here, and why I am here to begin with.

The view of the landscape before me is serene and there is a variety of wildlife and beautiful plants here. Some of them I am certain are considered extinct on earth, so that is weird they are thriving here. A majestic lion sits perched near a lake the color of silver on a rock that looks like it was carved from the moon itself. He notices me, but only yawns out of boredom that I'm here.

Gee, I guess I am too boring for a lion.

The side of my head is painful at my right temple with a dull ache as if I was knocked out or fell hitting my head on something. The discomfort makes me sit back down almost immediately when I try standing up. Goddess, how did I even get here? Am I dreaming? Am I dead? I don't feel Savvy, but I do feel her close by so that's promising. I groan as I try standing up again only to be startled by a sudden deep and feminine voice.

"Hello, my child we haven't much time."

I didn't even hear anyone come up behind me and I rub my eyes in disbelief because surely, I am dead. Yup, most definitely dead. I have met the Goddess and I'm in her Garden because she stopped coming to earth centuries ago, or so I am told, and she is literally standing right in front of me.

"You're not dead, Scarlett." she chuckles softly.

What the? Is she reading my mind or am I just talking out loud? And the Goddess laughs?

She continues to laugh quietly in response to my confusion, as if she is amused by my stupor, but what can I really do or say to a goddess without looking like a fool? I'm not sure yelling at the top of my lungs for her to answer me truthfully will work on her. She could smite me in less than a second.

I imagined the Goddess to look more human, but she has silver eyes, like the moon, the purest white hair I've ever seen, and her skin looks like a map of the starry night sky. The only human like feature she has is the shape of her feminine body and her face. She's beautiful though and out of this world. Literally and figuratively. Duh, she is a Goddess, but really, she has this pull to her and a stoic calmness I cannot describe.

"Where am I?" I ask meekly.

She cups my face with her hand, and I feel the warmth and tingling sensation like a mate bond. That's weird, but mate bonds are her thing, so maybe it's not that weird. I see Savvy run by out of the corner of my eye frolicking through the meadow with her tongue hanging out, but it is weird because I'm not inside her head or vice versa. Werewolves and their humans are always as one regardless which counterpart form they are in. What is going on here?

"You're in my garden and while you're here Savvy is able to run freely, apart from you, but you are still one being. Now listen we must hurry before I have to send you back. I need to you to complete your prophecy, my child."

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now