38. Purple Hues

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I was born to be a leader because of the blood that runs through my veins but being the Alpha can be such a pain in the ass sometimes, especially when I had the intention of spending time with Scarlett while I decorated our pups' room. Our family fun time has been interrupted yet again by some rogue encounters that my Beta and Gamma couldn't fill me in on later, so this better be extremely important. Hopefully this doesn't take long either, and I can get back to preparing the nursery in no time because even if I'm masculine and all that I'm not afraid to admit that the theme Scar went with is cute.

I left my moon given mate apprehensively and expressed my love with a tender kiss to her temple before I headed out to the border. The respect and authority of being a leader comes with a price hence the self-sacrifice of my own personal life from time to time and the fact my Beta and Gamma think they need me to solve this making me grunt in disapproval the entire walk out there.

I walk up to the warriors standing around a few dead rogues and see Mark and the Gammas close by. I specifically told them to keep them alive so there better be a good reason they are no longer breathing right now since interrogating them was out of the question now.

"They just kind of combusted Alpha, we didn't touch or advance toward them, and they kept a safe distance as you can tell from where the bodies are located."

The warriors all stated that the rogues were chanting some language they've never heard and mentioned that chaos was coming, and the babe will make or break the future. They kept acting weird and saying some off the wall things and they didn't attempt to cross into our land or to attack any of my warriors. They lay about fifteen yards from the territory line and exploded out of their chests after counting down from three together when a warrior began to approach them to detain them. As always there are more questions without answers, which seems to be the theme lately, but sooner or later something has got to give. Who sent them and why? Any day now Moon Goddess come help your children out already. It is almost as if she's abandoned us with everything going on in our world. If I could avoid it altogether, I wouldn't watch the news at all or be a part of this war we are destined to win according to the absentee creator of ours.

I examine the three wolves that lay on the ground and see they have holes for chests and determine they are absolutely, most definitely, dead from a way that I would assume is a painful death. There is purple goo looking stuff draining from their bodies instead of blood and Luca collected the gunk like a forensic detective you would see on one of those human shows NCIS or something to prevent touching this mystery substance directly. I don't blame him because things have gotten weird around here lately and as supernatural beings, we can't believe that we are untouchable. We all have weaknesses and none of us can determine what this material is at this point since none of us have ever seen it, so it is a smart move to handle this as safely as possible. We won't get any more answers standing out here, so I direct the warriors to burn the bodies and to dispose of their ashes after a warrior of witch blood whips up everyone a set of gloves and a mask to wear. These rogues don't need to lay around here and rot on our lands and hopefully whatever this purple shit is isn't toxic.

Evaluating this material is the perfect job for Michael's great grandfather since he is our top supernatural scientist, just kidding, he is old as dirt and has been around for ages, so he happens to know a thing or two. He is usually helpful when he isn't being a huge fuck boy and trying to get in the pants of the older females that don't have a mate around here. I know he doesn't look old, but I can't imagine how he hasn't gotten tired of sleeping with randoms his entire life, but then again, he doesn't have a mate or lifelong companion of his own and a man has needs. I did find out his own daughter wasn't planned when he slept with a werewolf as a one-night stand, but he still helped this child understand her witch side despite that. Now he has an even further continuation with the very fiery Aiden Baker who is hard to handle without an Alpha command. That kid is going to be trouble growing up if he's anything like his parents, but he is going to be one hell of a lead warrior too with the right training.

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