25. Doghouse

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We become poisoned by not only what we consume, but by the feelings we allow to occupy our hearts. At the core of hatred is blame and jealousy, both destructive once turned outward planting a dark seed within us tainting our souls.

As Buddha said:

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.


I cannot believe that Scarlett invited Eric to live here. Eric's new look is interesting to say the least with his bleach blond hair. Honestly, he looks even more douchey in my opinion with it. I noticed how some of the Omegas looked at him while he walked through the pack house as they ogled him up and down. I understand he changed himself for obvious reasons, but I didn't peg him for going platinum blond. His body is bulkier than the lanky frame he once had too giving him a more threatening aura. Despite how helpful he has been for all of us in the past I still don't like him because of what he did to Scarlett. Blame it on my possessive Alpha blood, if you will, but no one can touch my Luna, so in my thoughts he's lucky to be alive and have all his appendages still.

" Quit projecting. You know he may be able to kick your ass now, he's bulked up hooman" Max snickers although I can tell he isn't serious. "And his wolf feels stronger too. I can tell the two of them don't have a cohesive relationship though. You should work on being less hateful toward him too because Scarlett will always be close to him even if you don't like it." The part about his wolf I fully believe but Max warning me to be careful with my emotions is interesting though. I am a good and fair Alpha to my pack members and others, so I don't get what he means by that. What Eric has done is unforgivable in many Alphas eyes and if Scarlett is truly going to be close to him, I'm not certain I will be able to tolerate that.

Maybe I am being too hard on him since he is trying to do things for the better. He does have a better aura too, but nah he truly fucked up with me.

We are on our way to meet with Eric and get some information and Max sighs with displeasure toward my attitude, rolling his eyes at me. Does he know something that I don't?

I try my best not to but become angry as I walked into the conference room and see Scarlett laughing and sitting closely to him. HIM. No wolf would be so bold to be as close to a mated female, especially the Luna that is marked by her Alpha. It makes me even angrier that she hasn't smiled with me the way she is doing with him right now in a long time and it hurt my ego a hell of a lot. I let out a warning growl without thinking and everyone in the room stares at me in confusion. In silence their eyes watch me and wait for my next move. Scarlett has her eyebrow raised questioningly while Eric is flat and impassive about it. Mark and Marissa look at me confused regarding my temperamental outburst while Danny puts a protective hand over Scarlett's arm. Nobody makes a move as I walk toward the table taking a seat beside Scarlett. I realized after my backside hit the chair they weren't sitting as close as I thought they were. Why is everyone so calm that this asshat is here?

"Whoosah." Max chides me.

Great, even my own wolf is against me right now. Goddess.

Despite the tension in the air, we begin our meeting as Eric plugs a hard drive into his computer that illuminates images onto the projector screen. Every bit of information he knows appears on the screen as he provides us with further explanation from what he has been able to do for the cause so far. I'm trying to pay attention to his voice, but it annoys me to no end, and I notice a stack of books that look old as hell sitting on the table. I hope he isn't going to ask me to read any of them because that is something I absolutely hate doing and that's why I have a Beta to look over important documents.

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