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"Run mate! I love you always and forever! "The words echo in my head. I'm leaving my mate and everything I've known behind. Our pack prepared for this, but that doesn't make the circumstances any easier.

I barely escape our attackers in time, but still hear my mates pained howl as he takes his last breath. Moon Goddess please keep me strong. Clutching my chest as our bond breaks, I continue moving forward. My wolf whines in my head for the loss, but we continue onward with a fire in our chest and buzzing in our head.

I keep repeating to myself that I must be strong. The future of our kind and of my pup depends on it. The sun will shine again as long as I keep going.I have to make it.

Tears stain my cheeks as I push through the dense forest and thick tree branches grabbing at my clothing. I clutch my belly praying to the Moon Goddess that everything will be alright for me and my pup. I will never see my family again and my home has been destroyed. I must keep moving.

I forced myself not to look back at the wreckage of homes burning and to ignore the screams of those I couldn't save. My heart is heavy for my pack members. There is so much loss.

The werewolves that are greedy for power have destroyed my pack. They don't believe in free love and equality of pack members. The Moon Goddess must be sad to see her children are not getting along and are destroying each other.

There is a prophecy that says after destruction a wolf born of white fur will bring peace for future generations. That is all I can cling to right now as I push forward to save myself and my pup. No one has seen a white wolf in decades and this prophecy is as old as time.

My pack lands were a dreamy wonderland full of snowfall with beautiful mountains and is further up north than the Northern region of werewolf packs. Its beauty is now tainted with blood stains  from the bodies of men, women, and children. But I keep running further south away from the ruins of my fallen pack.

I have made some distance as I've run as far as I can to safety. The snow has changed to an icy hard rain falling from the night sky. I assume the Goddess is crying heavily for her children but knows she cannot intervene regardless of the circumstance.

I catch a ride on a train that is heading west and I'll take that as long as I can for some rest. I hear the conductor announce a check station is coming up and for passengers to return to their seats. That means warriors will be nearby to sweep through the train and I'll have to leave this cozy space soon. I cannot get caught so I jump out of the cargo box landing on the ground. I fractured my right wrist with the impact and luckily there is a tree line I can go into to stay hidden.

I continue running through the icy mud and brush until I cannot run anymore. Every muscle in my body is on fire and my lungs feel so heavy that I am suffocating. I suddenly become dizzy and everything begins to blur until I black out from the pain crashing onto the cold, hard ground.

I don't know how far I've ran, but I pray I didn't fail to escape those meant to destroy us. I also cannot be certain on whatever pack I am near is friend or foe, for there are supporters of the Rogue Alliance infiltrating every pack.

I wake up to voices and a semi comfortable environment. I smell fire to warm the space I am in, and I try to control my breathing as I think about what I should do. I am scared knowing I am now in captivity and keep my eyes shut trying not to stir. Maybe they will leave if they think I am still asleep and I can begin to watch for patterns on when they come and go from the room.

The men speaking sound like high-ranking members of a pack. I think I heard someone say Alpha. Please Goddess do not let me be captive of the Rogue Alliance. My pup and I must be okay.

Too late, I shifted my position too much and my cover is blown.

"Alpha, she is awake!" Please Moon Goddess be on my side.

I slowly open my eyes and am blinded by the initial shock of the light until I can adjust to it and see. Three attractive werewolves are surrounding me and have high-ranking auras. Well great, I'm definitely caught and not dreaming or dead.

I'm not chained in a dungeon as expected, but I am cuffed to a soft bed by one of my arms. At least it isn't silver otherwise my left wrist would be in so much pain.

One wolf introduces himself as Beta Garrett and has dark brown hair and brown eyes standing at six feet tall. He says the cuffs will be removed if I promise not to run away, and he reassure they just want to speak to me.

My wolf Onyx is protecting our pup so she wouldn't heal me even if I needed it. Despite the excruciating pain I felt when my mate died and our bond broke and snapping my wrist when jumping off the train. We must save the piece of our mate that we still have because our pup is most important. Onyx tells me to trust these men, so I nod my head yes to them indicating that I will comply and not try to escape.

A tall chiseled man with aqua blue eyes and jet-black hair looks at me with curious and hopeful eyes, he is giving me an Alpha vibe, but he isn't being harsh to me even though I am a trespasser in his pack lands. He takes the cuffs off allowing me to sit up and take in my surroundings.

I sit up slowly and grab my belly as I look around the room. There is one entry and exit and no windows, but a corner stove has a small fire to keep the space warm.

These men all have intimidating and powerful auras, they are high-ranking members of this pack, however, none of these men are radiating malice toward me. Maybe Onyx is right and I can trust them.

            "Where am I? Please let me and my pup stay. I've lost my mate and can never return to our pack because the Rogue Alliance has destroyed it." My voice is hoarse from running and the cold.

A handsome wolf with dark brown hair and eyes and almost as tall as the black haired man hands me a cup of hot tea. I sniff it cautiously while he smiles and introduces himself as Gamma Richard.

All three of them stare at me as I shamelessly cry. The Beta mentions the mark on my neck that is beginning to slowly fade, and the distinctive design it once had on my skin. A crescent moon with two stars.

After a few moments of silence, the Alpha speaks up to me.

            "What is your name? I will let you stay in my pack. And would you be willing to make a deal?"

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now