16. Gamma Up!

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Gamma Michael

There aren't many women in Red Dawn pack. Some of the females that live there are mated to warriors and the rest are Omegas forced into a life of servitude. Women don't do well in our territory and are stripped of many basic rights, which I know isn't right and I'm not sure how Alpha Mason still holds his title being so barbaric. The women here look at men with fear and not respect because if something they do angers a male, they are punished for it. They aren't allowed to have cell phones and wear clothing like we are back in the prairie land days. The warriors aren't treated that well, but all are males, so I consider my status as gamma both a blessing and curse in this goddess forsaken pack.

The number of fated mates and children in this pack has dwindled down more each year. The Beta of the pack is the only high-ranking member that has a fated mate, but they don't have an heir to take over his position and he should have retired like yesterday. The Beta female became pregnant several times but miscarried without having a pup to hold and raise, which furthers my belief that the Goddess does not favor Red Dawn.

Alpha Mason didn't have his son until he was close to the age most Alphas retire, but Eric's mother disappeared shortly after he was born. I only remember because I was eight at the time. I can't recall all the details, but her disappearance was strange just like my own mother's death.

My mother got really sick when I was twelve, which is abnormal for wolves. We rarely suffer from illness because we have super strength and healing capabilities. She never went to the pack doctor even though my dad begged her to go every day, crying for his mate to get better as she withered away. She said it was the wish of the moon goddess and when I was ready, I would need to make a positive change in the world and to save those I could save.

On her death bed I sat beside her holding her hand, hoping she would change her mind about going to a doctor. I didn't want my mom to die. She was the only love I had known. With her last breath she told me something that I have never told anyone about. Not even my dad, although he had to of known everything about his mate since they marked each other especially. It made me realize why I never felt like I fit in here and that I needed to get out of Red Dawn as soon as possible.

Alpha Mason allowed me to go along with him and Eric to Pinewood Pack. I was hoping it was my chance to meet my mate, despite bringing her back to this desolate waste land I call home. I am already twenty-eight and I didn't want to give up and I often though I may be guilty by association in the Moon Goddesses eyes. As luck would have it, or maybe as punishment, I did meet my mate at Pinewood, only the circumstances weren't ideal for us to be together and felt more like a cruel joke.

I eagerly followed her to the lake while we ran celebrating her first shift, her wolf looked familiar for some reason, but I didn't connect the dots at the time. Like an idiot I gave her my name and Lucy rejected me on the spot. I didn't mean a word of my rejection when I said what she wanted to hear back to her, so our bond was never completely severed on my end. Maybe she didn't mean hers either and maybe one day I will know, but for now I'm forced to be her Gamma as Eric takes her as a chosen. The Goddess paired us for a reason, and I want her and always will no matter how hard it will be to fight my wolf.

As luck would have it Alpha Jack found me on the ground took me to his pack doctor. The doc gave me medication for the pain and took a blood sample from me. He said it was standard procedure, but who was I to disagree with an Alpha in my weakened state?

I knew what the markers would say once the blood resulted. The secret my mother passed down to me was in the form of her genes. I'm a werewolf, of course, but I am also part witch, or warlock technically. She was a hybrid and that makes me one too. The irony of living in a pack as a creature the Alpha hates.

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