2. Plans in Motion

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Luna Margaret

" Hurry up and finish getting everything ready! The guests are arriving within the next hour!"

Why can't these Omegas be any faster? Tonight, must be perfect for my princess for her coming of age ceremony. She'll be shifting for the first time too, which I've also prepared for the best I can.

I made sure that the finest food and decorations were ordered for today. There are two meal options, including Salmon even though I know most of the guests will choose the steak option. The dining hall looks as if it has been adorned in diamonds with how sparkly and shiny everything is. The cost means nothing to me, plus I know Jack will take care of it no problem.

Her future mating and Luna ceremony will be even more glamorous if I have anything to say about it. Jack will sign the invoices no matter what they are for, or how much they cost, so I know he won't put up a fight. I always snigger when he gives me a budget because he knows I won't bother following it. I always go over it, no matter what because I can. Although, I know realistically this is the last chance I will have to spoil my pup since she is growing up.

Jack and I have grown apart indicative of the distance between us, so he does whatever he needs to do to make me leave his presence as quickly as possible. He isn't the love of my life thank the Goddess for that. He isn't my fated mate only a chosen that benefited me more than it did him. He is a weak Alpha in my opinion and has chosen the wrong side of things.

Speaking of mates, Alpha Mason has agreed to let his son Eric mate with Lucy, fated mates or not. I don't care that Jack and Mason have some age-old rivalry, the Red Dawn pack is powerful, and Lucy needs a formidable Alpha to stand by with everything that is to come. Alpha Mason is probably amused at getting back at Jack by doing this, I'm sure.

If she does happen to meet her fated mate tonight no one is supposed to intervene. Surely Lucy will make the right choice from everything that I have taught her since she was a pup. Money and Power. No room for love and weakness and always look your best because image is everything. I would love nothing more than her having a fated mate of Alpha blood because then a possessive true love will be there, but she doesn't have time to look around for him if he isn't here tonight therefore Eric fits into the plan nicely.

I will be telling her about her mate arrangement after the pack run and I cannot wait to share with her the future I've helped prepare. She is slightly spoiled, but I know she will be grateful for the safety I am able to secure for her.

"Mothers always wants what is best for their daughters." Sarah chimes in my head.

I am speaking to Dorothy, Head of the Omegas, and notice that clumsy wolfless pack member is sitting at the kitchen island having a snack. Just looking at her repulses me. A human in a werewolf pack. Such a laughable situation and highly inappropriate. She better not knock over my daughter's celebration cake, but honestly it would give me a reason to punish her if she did. And I would like to punish her very much.

I used one of the most elite bakers I could find to make this cake strawberry and cream flavored. It is Liam's favorite and is a way to get Liam to participate in my plans for him. Bribery can often get you far in this world and with the right amount of motivation you can get anyone to do anything. I have a backup plan in case he is too stubborn to partake in the plans I have for him though, and I know it will work because I've used this method in the past before for my benefit.

I noticed she managed to sneak out before I could belittle her, and I side eye her as she scurries out the door. I have no problem waiting for another opportunity to approach her though. My aura doesn't work on her, and she is able to fight commands, which irritates me beyond belief. I'm still able to hurt her emotional weak human heart though based on the number of times I've made her cry before. She is such a fragile, frail thing. What a curse to be born to werewolf parents and have the recessive gene that causes you not to have a wolf. She is a mutant freak.

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