47. Red Comes In Many Shades

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After Liam left with the guys and Avril, we all tried to figure out who Vinnie's mate was to no avail. He was tight lipped and wouldn't give us any clues whatsoever. He is stubborn to say the least. It's one of the kids in this room and if Luca raises him to follow similar values he will wait until they are eighteen before exposing their mate bond. It is still weird to me that vampires are the only beings capable of knowing who their mates are right away before adulthood. It makes me curious what gives them that superpower over all the other beings. Do they just mature faster?

The clock struck midnight, so we gave up after many futile attempts to tuck the youngsters into bed and we were all fed up with him sticking his tongue out at us in protest. It was time for the grownups much needed kid free time for bonding while we stayed up and drank more wine and nibbled on the left-over pizza we had made for the kids.

I was hoping that Phoenix would stay with us for a couple hours, but he went back home as soon as he dropped off Wendy to be with his sisters. I cannot be upset with him for watching over them instead of hanging out with us though especially since we wouldn't have Liam breathing down our necks. He is so irrational when it comes to Phoenix, and he truly shouldn't be. I didn't understand why the two of them wouldn't want to have girl time with us either, but I know they had a different upbringing and were in Carrion City their entire lives. I can't even imagine what it would be like living there. My head starts to buzz thinking about those things, so I push them away and bring myself back to the room instantly relieving my head. I drink another glass of wine with my friends including Lucy who has proven to be a better person. She no longer behaves like the spoiled brat I remember her being while growing up. She faced some trials and tribulations while at Red Dawn and if I'm not mistaken, she hasn't bothered to visit her mother or father down in the cells because she claims she doesn't need the closure or the drama. Her and Michael are doing well though and her boutique is thriving.

Goddess, I needed this. It has been way too long since I felt so carefree and spent time with my besties that I truly believe we should do this more often.

We talked about how much we miss our men, despite the way they can all be so overbearing and protective of us and how exciting it is we are all grown up and having kids of our own. Wendy clears her throat but smiles at the mention of kids and though it doesn't go unnoticed by me, Marissa is oblivious to our friend's reaction to the topic of family and children and continues with how challenging having twins has been. Wendy doesn't have any children yet, and maybe she doesn't want any. I don't pry because I know her and the bond between her mate started off rocky.

As much as a drama free zone would have been great for them to be together, it wasn't, and I feel partially responsible for at least one of their arguments. They are giving it a shot and that's what matters. They have even moved in together so that must be a positive. If Wendy wants a child though, I hope that she gets to experience it.

On that note I redirect the conversation by planning a spa day for us next week because my schedule is clear for once, which is a rarity and I want to take advantage of the opportunity. I even tell Wendy to let the twins know so they can come along too earning a tight lipped mmm in response. Two in the morning has already rolled around and our drunk laughter is going to wake up the kids if we keep this up, so we call it quits and those pups wake up at the crack of dawn no matter how late they go to bed!

I am not really tired and cuddling with Liam's pillow is on my mind, but I look toward the kitchen with a disgruntled look on my face. Wendy sees my facial expression and laughs while she stumbles by waving her hand in the air resulting in a clean kitchen as she stumbles up the stairs. I'll remind myself to thank her when I'm sober and I can only imagine having witchy powers like that!

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