45. Supreme Being

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Luna duties haven't interested me in the slightest lately. I'm supposed to be present for my people, but I find myself taking the backseat to things most of the time. Luckily Marissa is there to pick up the pieces for me. She's literally my lifesaver and without her I wouldn't be able to accomplish the things I need to. Unfortunately, she isn't always around, and I can literally forget what I'm doing while I'm doing it these days.

She couldn't have used a strong enough disguise spell though to get me out of this leadership meeting though, so here I am sitting amongst a group comprised of mostly men who want to discuss the politics of the supernatural world. Most species are here, except for demons and sorcerers whom I've heard they are snobby with the idea they are the most elite species.

The drive over here was great, and I appreciate that we rode in the jeep even if it messed up my hair giving me the post sex look per Liam. I imagined running in wolf form as the air flowed through my hair while pretending it was Savvy's fur. It's the closest feeling of freedom I've had in a while. I have tried to shift and embrace my inner wolf several times, but ultimately my focus face just makes me look constipated and I'm still in my human skin. I also get a pretty gnarly headache after trying to shift into Savvy.

His gesture made me beyond happy and I repaid him with my hand the last half of the drive. I made plans to wear that outfit he likes in the bedroom later too. A woman has needs and my mate and I should take advantage of being pup free for a few hours after our duties. We will see if I am still feeling frisky or not. Goddess, I hope so. Liam caught me holding socks in my hand and was concerned on the amount of focus I had on them. They were just super soft and who am I to say no to my Alpha when he wants to help me get dressed?

After the handshakes from Alphas and hugs from fellow Luna's I sat in my seat to hear out every one of these male creatures who spoke about this or that. Since I'm the Queen I can't sit and gossip with the accompanying Lunas while drinking wine with them. That sounds so much more fun than sitting here if I'm being honest. This is important don't get me wrong and the Luna's that are sitting at this table leak so much of their own testosterone and dominance that I don't relate to them either. This entire thing is mundane and I'm only forcing myself to appear engaged as expected from a responsible Queen of supernatural species.

I take the biggest sigh as we begin and see a beautiful creature making her way over to me. She is like a breath of fresh air that I had been deprived from, and she was coming straight for me. Granted she wore a server uniform and carried a tray containing a variety of food and drink, but still she was a great distraction from the humdrum meeting. She made her way over to me while weaving through the room and avoiding the hands of other Alpha's raised at the other tables. In a blink I'm hit with her angelic voice and peer into the eyes of this gorgeous specimen before me.

"Luna Queen, what will you be having?" her voice calm and steady.

I'm not into women and love my mate, and kudos to those who are, but a strong admiration for this strange, new being overwhelmed me and I couldn't explain why. Her petite frame, even smaller than myself, stood beside me with cotton candy hair and piercing purple eyes. She looked to be about twenty-five years old, but I've learned looks can be deceiving when it comes to the creatures of our world. I could see some tattoos poking out that adorned her neck and chest above her collar as her top button wasn't clasped. How interesting! I don't know many others with tattoos because they must be drawn on with special ink to absorb into our skin, and it varies depending on your species, like silver for werewolves.

She radiated a strong power and I tried to take in her scent to no avail and couldn't tell what she was. I know for certain that she isn't an Alpha, or she would be participating with us rather than serving drinks and food. Either way her whole aura screams badass, and I'm drawn into her.

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