8. Surprise Wolf

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Pretty soon the run is over, and Dad makes the exit speech and gets up to leave toward the Alpha floor, so I follow him and mindlink Mark that we will talk tomorrow about some things I need to tell him, and he nods in understanding as he goes his own way. I need to know what's going on with dad right now even though whatever Mark has to say is important too.

I keep some distance between myself, dad, and Margaret while I follow them quietly. Thank the Goddess for werewolf hearing and being the Alphas son allowing me to hide nonchalantly in the shadows without the guards tackling me. Although, dad probably knows I'm close by anyway because we have always been able to sense each other, and I don't have the capability of hiding my scent or anything.

Dad sounds pissed! I heard him as he exiled her. I'm not sure why and will have to ask him about that in the morning, but I know him well and it must be something terrible for him to banish his chosen mate and the mother of his children.

I peek in the hallway after hearing both of their door's slam shut and see Margaret's door being guarded by two top ranking warriors Brian and Peter. They are younger warriors but have excelled from what I'm told, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen them for the job.

" Sucks they got stuck on fugitive babysitting duty, let's get more of that cake!" Max says inside my head. Even at a time like this he is thinking about food, and I roll my eyes because he isn't acting like an Alpha wolf in this moment. I'm sure it is to distract himself from the mate we can't get to yet. It's not like we can barge into room at this moment and claim her as ours. At least that's not the way I have our first time planned in my head.

I nod at the warriors and head downstairs to the kitchen offering to bring them cake if there is any left. The Omegas are cleaning up and I'm sniffing around for the cake and luckily there is some leftover, so I take a few pieces on a paper plate. As I make my way upstairs the scent of Strawberries and cream hits me like a brick wall once I reach the Gamma floor. Scarlett stands in the hallway holding a glass of water and I smile at her before she heads inside her bedroom as quick as lightening and closing her door. I wish she felt the mate bond. Maybe she does because she looked really pale. I bet she is freaking out about everything. I cannot wait to comfort my sweet mate! How do I approach her though?

"Smooth move hooman." I roll my eyes at him as if he could have done any better in the moment than smile at her. If he was the one out, he would have crawled to her flipping on his belly and pouncing on her as soon as he got the chance. If I let him take over, he would have tried to mark her on the spot! He sticks his tongue out at me and sits on his haunches because he knows I'm right.

Max and I stretch out on the bed thinking of Scarlett before falling into a deep slumber.

In the morning I wake up wanting more of those sparks I felt when my fingertips grazed her skin.

"You actually have to say something to her if you want to feel that you know? You can't just stand there towering over her and scaring the crap out of her! It's creepy to stand there with a dumb smile on your face" Oh, the so ever wise wolf Max speaking. As if pouncing on her in wolf form would be any better." Hey, she will think I am majestic and fluffy and cute" he snorts.

I approached my father's office to discuss things and before I knock, he says" Come in, son" as if he were expecting me. I want to ask him how I get a human to fall in love with you? I am not going to reject her, but will she accept me? I am up for working hard, but holy cow what am I supposed to do when she isn't guided by the mate bond? At least I don't think she is.

"Buy her something and tell her she's pretty, stupid hooman." I growled at him at his snarky remark. So not helpful right now. And like he would know what a she wolf wants.

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