33. Drama & Consequences

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I'm stunned to find out that his twin sisters have been in Carrion City all these years and it isn't just owned by ordinary humans, but those bred as hunters. They've been within a corrupt and vile city that spits you up and chews you out only to bring you back and kill you again. There are some people that have made it out that live off the grid, but it is extremely difficult to do that. I'm guessing that they aren't there by their own free will. In fact, the only beings there willingly are the human hunters that inhabit it.

Why haven't my trackers been able to locate them? Are they barred from entering into Carrion City, or what?

Our best bet for getting inside the city is Eric and who he may know, but I am concerned on how he will take the news about his sisters being alive, and hopefully well, especially in Carrion City. Then again, he has changed his identity too, so he is known as Phoenix Alba now leaving no Trace of an Eric Taylor in the world.

Margaret showed up here with a purpose no doubt, which probably wasn't much in our favor, but she's been able to provide us with reliable information at least. Some of it had to be forced out of her, as expected due to her stubborn nature. I'm not sure what it cost her to come here or who forced her, but whatever she's involved with has legitimately scared her, especially to seek out refuge within our territory and beg us not to kill her.

Something I find interesting about her and her Beta mate, whose name I found out is Gregory, is that his wolf was taken away, which is why none of us feel that presence from him. Margaret still has her wolf, but she can't shift anymore or bring her forward without expelling a lot of energy because of how subdued she is. It makes sense now why Gregory exhibits fear most of the time and they both smell like a human. They are easy targets this way and have no means to defend themselves in the world of supernatural beings.

I'm curious as to how he lost his wolf and why she cannot shift anymore because that is a huge deal for our kind. Who is powerful enough to suppress or take someone's wolf away completely besides the Goddess? Wolfsbane and silver can subdue a wolf, but that is a temporary measure and if overdone it kills both the wolf and human parts. Unfortunately, neither of them could tell us about how he lost his wolf and why hers isn't allowed to roam anymore only that the Moon Goddess didn't do it.

He provided the same information as Margaret and there was also a block about the symbol, he has on his left shoulder blade too. He winced on the two topics he couldn't discuss as if speaking of them in any way caused a lot of mental and physical pain, much like an alpha command. There shouldn't be an Alpha stronger than Liam and me since we are king, and queen and I find that unsettling that something out there is. We aren't quite gods but have the Goddess's blood flowing in our veins so our strength is unprecedented to other Alphas and can't be matched.

However, that symbol is linked to Carrion City must be significant since Phoenix said it was the symbol for followers of Chaos and his father wrote about pledging to him in his journals many times. Phoenix also said he has tried to get into Carrion City since he had begun working for Clover Incorporated when he was known as still Eric Taylor, but it has never been successful. He went as far as asking his boss for entry only to be told it wasn't a place for him or part of his role within the company.

He did confirm my thoughts on the use of witches protecting the city walls. I am positive you can guess which group. It is no other than the Breckinridge Coven. They exude great strength despite their small numbers and hard to beat, unfortunately. All because they sell themselves and their soul to the devil himself.

"Maybe Wendy can get inside. You know they wanted her to marry her cousin! Surely, they haven't cut her off completely. Or she's just as strong or stronger!" Savvy mentions.

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