17. Learning My Gift

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I can't breathe and the world is spinning as I choke on my gasp that escaped me after hearing the words Alpha Jack spoke. Not only are we introducing our newest pack members, but Liam and I are going to take over as the Luna and Alpha of the pack on Saturday? Good Goddess.

I would have lost my knees and fallen to the ground if it weren't for Liam's strong arms supporting me. I grew up thinking I was human only to find out that I'm a wolf, mated to the Alpha, who is supposed to help Liam watch over a whole pack of people and the beings that are started to move here?

"Relax babe, you were born for this. We are Alpha females thanks to mom and pop!" Savvy says enthusiastically. She may have Alpha wolf confidence, but I've always spent my life in the background to avoid interacting with my peers and am lacking in the self-assurance department. I can't help but wonder if this pack is going to take me seriously? Only a handful of people even know I can shift now that my wolf has surfaced and the majority of wolves my age bullied me thank to the infamous Lucy. What will they think their new Luna?

Liam walked me further into the kitchen, sitting me down at the island beside the Meyers and Cel Tradat families who reassured me that everything would be fine after I shared the news. They weren't surprised I would be the Luna as Liam's mate and realistically I shouldn't be shocked that would be the next course of action as hit mate either, but Goddess it still increases my anxiety.

Luca is sitting beside Danny who doesn't seem to mind the closeness of my vampire friend. Shaking off the negative thoughts about failing as the Luna I turn to kiss Liam, knocking my fork onto the floor with my elbow. Danny and Luca both jumped up to grab it for me after some intense eye contact and I can't tell if it was territorial or not, but I hope they get along.

Wendy is the only one that isn't here, obviously, and I totally forgot to text her all week! I'll have to remember to do that today at some point. I haven't seen her at school since I decided not to go back and I'm passing up on attending the graduation too.

It's a miracle I had some workout clothes for today since I haven't participated in training a day in my life. Well, that's a lie, I did try once but my peers already had wolf strength and it was not a great experience for my then human strength. As always, my mom comes through for me and had placed a set of clothing on my entry table this morning. Liam won't stop staring at me when he should be focused on figuring out what our gifts are, so I slap him on the chest to pay attention to my mom. I instantly feel my cheeks flush after my palm contacted his firm chest as I consider that maybe I look funny to him in this outfit or something.

"He thinks you're beautiful, duh, silly hooman" Savvy rolls her eyes at me. Whatever, wolf it is time to be serious. I try to block her out as she brings up wanting time alone with Max after telling her they will be together soon. I feel slightly bad Liam and I spent all week in our room, and I'm honestly afraid to shift again, but I know it is something I'll have to get used to over time.

We spent all day at the training grounds, and I didn't figure out what my gift is. Savvy couldn't tell me, which is annoying. She doesn't truly know, I guess.

I'm glad Liam knows what his gift is, but I'm feeling insecure not knowing what I'm capable of. I have tried everything related to my birth parent's gifts unsuccessfully, so I'm stuck at square one. If I can't hide my scent and I can't read minds, what exactly am I able to do? I keep going back to feeling like a weak, insecure human I've always felt I am.

"You're not weak. Stop wallowing in self-pity, and let me be with max already!" Savvy says in a tone that is both demanding and supportive.

Despite her attitude, Savvy is a good wolf and Liam is the best mate to me. After dinner we let them come forward and chase each other in wolf form until curling up together to sleep outside. The morning sun woke us up and when we returned to the pack house and much to our surprise we came face to face with some unexpected guests.

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