10. Information Overload

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My mouth felt like a desert and my attempt to moisten my lips with my tongue was futile. I had excused myself to go downstairs for a glass of water that I had never needed so bad in my life. Of course, I would see Liam in the hall as I headed back into my room. I freaked out of course, gasping as I slammed the door shut spilling the water all over me. Thankfully he didn't see that, unfortunately my mouth is still sandpaper. He's my mate and I can't even face him, oh Goddess.

I bet I look awful since I have been crying and am in shock about everything my mother has told me. To top that off she says there is more left to say! Ghostly skin with puffy red eyes and dry lips never did anyone any favors as if I wasn't already insecure enough about myself.

I can't decide whether I should be angry with her or not and honestly, I feel more out of place than I did before. Why didn't she tell me sooner? It would have made my life living here so much easier and I wouldn't have felt so insecure growing up in a wolf's den.

"Eighteen years ago, I lived in Crescent Moon pack with, my mate, your biological father. We had just found out I was pregnant with you and were so excited. We had tried for some time to have a pup, but unfortunately our time to celebrate was cut short. Your father's name is Joshua Moonlight and was the Alpha of Crescent Moon. You look so much like him, and I know you will have a strong wolf when you shift on Tuesday."

Goddess, did she just say that I will be shifting into a wolf next Tuesday, on my birthday? Why haven't I heard my wolf yet or felt strong like one? Most importantly why didn't she tell me before now? I currently have absolutely no wolf strength or instincts and my mom and dad were Alpha and Luna of a pack and not just any pack. How can I have a strong wolf when I'm such a small person? It would have been nice not feeling so insecure and knowing one day I would be like my peers.

My mom senses my anxiety and rubs circles on my hand with her thumb before continuing with our story.

"The Rogue Alliance is a group of wolves that want to remain traditional in the werewolf beliefs and seek to destroy wolves and all species they consider a threat to the traditional werewolf way. Their goal is to ensure that people don't mix ranks or species when mating and women are not allowed to participate in important decisions, training, or have a voice outside of producing heirs for their mate. But there is also a threat above them."

I wrap my head around what she's told me, and I agree that to deny the Moon Goddess's intentions of mates if they aren't of the same rank or kind is awful. She doesn't make mistakes. I was bullied for believing in the Goddess without having my own wolf, but it seems my gut to believe in her was right with everything mom is telling me. Joke is on the pack members who would make fun of me, I guess.

"They attacked the pack of Crescent Moon one night and I managed to escape. Alpha Jack allowed me to stay in Pinewood pack, and Gamma Richard and I became chosen mates. Both of ours had passed away and second chances rarely happen. It was the best way to have me join the pack without too many questions from members. I can only hope you understand and I'm so so sorry from keeping this from you."

I asked her why my wolf didn't show up at sixteen if I truly had one.

"You do have a wolf sweetheart; she will wake up on your eighteenth birthday. She hasn't shown up yet because she a special wolf due to being primordial. All wolves of Crescent Moon are blessed, so you will have a gift. My gift is the ability to hide my scent. The moon goddess made us live at human strength until we came of age, so we would value our gifts. Our pack also lived far up north in isolation from other packs because our pups weren't as strong until they were able to shift. You will be able to see, hear, and smell things differently soon and will also be able to heal faster when your wolf arrives. There are wolves in other packs that have a parent or grandparent from Crescent Moon too, but many of them do not have gifts, or they don't know the history well enough to try and tap into them."

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now