39. Rescue Mission

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Liam left for some Alpha stuff, and I didn't feel him come closer to me until he physically touched me. I dislike that chaos suppresses our mate bond when he is present to annoy and frighten me, but he runs away as soon as Liam touches me, and I thank the Goddess for that. Has she forgotten about me? I pray every day that she saves me from this maniac, but I'm beginning to feel like I will have to rescue myself. I think I know what causes him to run away from the effects of the bond though because he and the Goddess aren't exactly friends these days and their history is complicated.

I understood that purple substance he was talking about belonged to no other than Chaos the god, but even if I wanted to tell him I couldn't. I recall that he would leave traces of it on me when I was in his realm. It's like his blood or something, but I'm not entirely sure only that it comes from him. I'm sure I appear impassive about the conversation, but what else am I supposed to do when I can't tell him he's on the right track. Fighting with Chaos is painful, and I've attempted to defy him before and because I don't want to harm my pup, I remain silent.

After the nursery was set up perfectly to my liking, I brought up going along with Phoenix to Carrion City, which was a heated debate to say the least. That conversation didn't go well but I told Liam I had to do this, and it was my calling so he couldn't hold me back from participating in the rescue mission. I promised him our pup would be okay and he felt the reassurance and my determination through our bond, but I'm not sure how convinced he is about it. I know he's afraid I will break, and he doesn't want to fight with me, but almost losing me once has made him an even bigger control freak. I don't trust Chaos, but I know he wouldn't let anything happen to me or my daughter since he claims to have such big plans for her.

If Liam and I were competing I clearly won because I'm standing in between him and Phoenix while we wait to enter this place if you could even call it that because it appears so inhabitable even from the outside.

We brought Brian and Peter, as well as Luca and Danny for this mission and divided up in two cars that we figured would be the most inconspicuous to drive up in. One is a Prius, because those aren't threatening at all, and a small SUV that looks like it has been through the ringer. Our team is hopeful the Goddess will bless us to save his sisters from this desolate place.

We parked outside the boundary of Carrion City where we were met with an acquaintance of Phoenix. I swear he seems familiar, but I'm not sure where I've met him, and we didn't exchange names for obvious reasons. Savvy perked up too in his presence but said she couldn't connect with his wolf due to a block being up. Knowing he is a werewolf helps me narrow it down to investigate how I recognize him later.

This city feels so grimy and I'm almost second guessing myself on coming here, plus I know that annoying god in my head will be enjoying the show. He can't directly see through my eyes, but he can explore my mind and read my thoughts. I don't want him to have the satisfaction of finding anything out, but he's like a parasite that I haven't found the cure for. It isn't like I can attach myself to Liam twenty-four seven even if I wanted to subdue him temporarily. I don't trust chaos at all or about him being in this place, but I can't exactly leave him behind. Other than that, being here feels like the right thing to do, however I have the impression we should have brought more help.

Where is the Goddess when I need her and why hasn't she answered me the past few months? I've been devoted to her my entire life even when I thought I was human, so her silence is unsettling to me. She's always been there before when I needed her and just before I met Chaos she was nowhere to be found. I can't wrap my head around what that could mean, but I wish she would help me and save me from the path I've been walking. Is he stronger than her and blocking her from me in some way? I keep trying to put the pieces of the story together, and ultimately, chaos is just a giant brat and got what he deserves regarding their past.

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