I Know You

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"Wait...WE'RE IN SPACE?!" Dipper exclaimed.

"Yes, Pine Tree, we're in space. Can you guys give them back their memories already?" Bill looked at the cops.

"Oh, right, yeah. That's kind of important." They nodded and aimed their gauntlets at Dipper and Mabel, a ray coming out of it and hitting their foreheads.

"Am I going to get all scrambled?" Dipper asked as it hit them.

"Ah!" Mabel held her head and then Dipper did the same as the ray stopped and the memories started to fit back into place. "Ohh...ow...oh....right! Time Travel!" She looked at Dipper. "I never grounded you for that!"

"You forgot!" Dipper shrugged.

"Yeah, well now you have to deal with more than being grounded." Bill sighed.

"Finally!" Blendin entered through the wall. "We've been waiting! I will regain my honor and reputation!"

"What reputation? For being a loser?" One of the cops murmured to the other. The other cop chuckled.

Blendin made an infuriated noise, almost sounding like a whistling kettle. "Stop. Laughing. At. Me!"


"Uh oh." Bill cringed.

"It's time." Blendin said eagerly.

"We're going to fight? For what?" Dipper asked. "All I wanted was to see dinosaurs!"

"Funny thing about that." Bill remarked.

"Yeah, we ended up with dinosaurs anyway." Mabel shrugged.

"Enough talking, Time Baby awaits!" Blendin said as the window opened up and they were let out onto the field.

Bill bit his lip as they stepped out into the view of the millions of people watching Globnar. He quickly glanced around, but didn't see anyone he knew. Why would they be here, anyway? They wouldn't. They were avoiding Time Baby. Not to mention that everyone that attends this thing were all rich, powerful, and in government positions. They wouldn't recognize him in this form.

"You took your time. I was about to settle down for a nap from waiting so long!" Time Baby declared.

"Whoa...that's a big baby." Dipper whispered.

"Time Baby, hey!" Bill greeted. "Look, this is all just an honest mistake. They're just kids, can't you let them go?"

Time Baby turned his attention to Bill and held up a hand, lifting Bill into the air. "You look familiar..."

'Pleasedon'tratmeoutpleasedon'tratmeoutpleasedon'tratmeout.' Bill thought helplessly. "Well, uh, we HAVE met. I'd love to talk to you more about it, but, uh..." He glanced to the side. "The...audience makes me reluctant."

Time Baby stared at him, then held up a hand. "You are all dismissed for the moment. You will be told when Globnar is starting."

The audience got up and walked out, not even a word of complaint. Bill fidgeted with his coat nervously as the stands cleared out. "Uhm...thanks." He finally managed once they were all gone.

"Who ARE you?" Time Baby asked.

"Uhm...turn me around." Bill suggested.

Time Baby did and then gasped, dropping Bill in surprise. "Bill Cipher? How did you escape?!"

"It's not really me!" Bill got up and dusted himself off. "I mean, it IS me, but not quite. And I've reformed, I promise. Tad Strange could vouch for me!"

"Tad Strange?" Time Baby seemed to consider this. "Very well, I will believe you until I find out otherwise. You will be closely watched henceforth."

"I understand." Bill nodded.

"Now, you are here at Globnar again with these children?" Time Baby looked at the Pines. "You of course know that if your team is to win, then you are not allowed a Time Wish. They may have one, but you are not allowed and you can not decide what happens with it. You are not to even touch it. Is that understood?"

"I understand." Bill nodded again.

"Good. Then you are all three going to battle against Blendin Blenjamin Blandin. I'm going to call in the spectators again and then we will start. Be ready." He held up a hand and someone went to get the audience back.

"Can you, maybe, refrain from saying my name?" Bill asked after the guy walked off.

"The Pines are the ones in charge of the team, and we will refer to them as such." Blendin replied. "It might be best if you remove your coat, though. They might recognize it."

Bill breathed a sigh of relief and took off his coat, handing it to a guard. "Thank you, Your Babyness."

The spectators all gathered and sat down and the tournament begin, the guards disappearing into the shadows out of sight with Bill's coat.

A cloaked figure looked out at the tournament with narrowed eyes, as if trying to comprehend what they were seeing.

Little DipperHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin