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Of course Mabel knew her brother was following her and her date around, but she wasn't going to scold him for it. He was just curious, and apparently documenting Mabel's first actual date. The first date it wasn't so bad, but by the fourth date she was starting to get a biiiit bothered by it.

"Dipper, why don't you stay home and play with Bill today?" She suggested sweetly. "Norman and I are going to watch a movie and you can't follow us into there."

Dipper pouted. "Aww...can't I just come along?"

"It's a date, Dipper. Just me and my boyfriend. You can't come." Mabel said, shaking her head. "Why don't you watch TV with Grunkle Stan?"


Mabel stood up from the floor they were sitting on and dusted off her skirt. "We'll be back later, okay?"

Dipper looked towards the closet and then back at her. "But..."

The doorbell rang and Mabel headed for the door. "Be good, okay? I'll tell you all about it later, I promise!" She headed out, closing the door behind her.

Norman was waiting at the door. "Your brother's not following us this time?" He asked.

"I told him we were going to see a movie. Now, what was it you wanted to show me?" She stepped out, smiling.

"It's a surprise." Norman wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

Dipper watched outside the triangle-shaped window, sighing. "Maybe I'm overreacting...he seems like a nice guy." He picked up the camera and sat down in the closet. "I mean, I don't see anything weird, do you?" He started flipping through the videos.

"Uh, kid, you miiiight wanna back up a bit." Bill commented, sitting on his shoulder.

"Huh?" Dipper looked at him.

Bill reached over with his tiny hand and pushed the rewind button. On the screen, Dipper saw Norman's hand fall off and he quickly put it back on. "HUH?!" Dipper exclaimed, standing up. "What—but—huh?!"

"I don't think ol' Normal Man's a human." Bill remarked.

Dipper looked at the book and knelt down to turn its pages. "Oh no...oh no! Easily mistakable for teenagers! OH NO! Mabel!" He stood up and started to run to the door.

"Kid!" Bill called after him, making him stop. "You can't do this alone. Go get the hammer."

"Get the hammer?" Dipper looked at him.

"NOW, kid." Bill pointed to the door.

"Okay!" Dipper ran out, going to Soos who was hammering a loose shelf to the shop wall. "Soos, can I use your hammer for a bit? I'll give it back!"

Soos looked at him and then the hammer and then shrugged. "Okay. Be careful, it's heavy."

Dipper took it and ran back upstairs, ignoring Soos yelling "Hey, be careful! Don't run with tools! Little dude?" and got back to his room in record time, panting heavily.

"Wow, you're worked up. Okay, take a few deep breaths and calm down." Bill said, moving his hands in a "calm down" motion.

"Okay." Dipper took a few deep breaths and then released them before looking at Bill. "Now what?"

"Now you need to help me get this nail out of the wall." Bill tugged on it.

"Oh!" Dipper went over to the nail and hooked the other end of the hammer around it. "Like this?"

"It's a good thing he put it so low. Yeah, like that. Okay, now pull!" He started to push against the nail while Dipper pulled. With their pushing and pulling, the nail finally came out of the wall and hit the floor. Dipper picked it up and put it in his pocket before going out of the room, Bill sitting on his shoulder as they left.

Little DipperTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang