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"A wax museum?" Dipper looked around in wonder.

"Why did you have this all hidden away, Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asked as she and Dipper followed behind him.

"Well, they stopped bringing in money, and I just kind of forgot about them after a while. Funny enough, that's when things stopped going missing, too. Hm." Stan shrugged. "Anyways, I bought them from a garage sale at a remote home. The guy tried to tell me something about them, but I didn't really listen or care. Mostly just random history about how and when they were made, blah blah."

"Can't have been that long ago." Mabel remarked, looking at some more recent people.

"Heh, yeah, but my favorite is the one over here. Wax Abraham Lincoln!" He gestured in front of them, grinning, then gasped. "Oh no! Who left that window open?!" He ran over to the melted wax figure. "I made sure it was shut, and no one's been in here since I closed it up!"

"Like a locked room murder mystery!" Dipper said excitedly.

"Yeah, I'd say the wax figure died." Bill remarked.

Stan knelt next to the melted figure. "Yeesh...how do you fix a wax figure?" He lifted off some of the melted wax, frowning.

"Come on, Grunkle Stan! Where's that smile?" Mabel poked at his face. "I'll make you a new wax figure from all this old wax!"

"You really think you can make one of these puppies?" Stan gestured to the other figures.

"Grunkle Stan, I'm an Arts and Crafts master. Why do you think I have this glue-gun stuck to my arm?" She raised her left art, revealing a glue gun and googly eyes stuck to the sleeve.

"...Where did that come from? She didn't have it a moment ago." Bill commented.

"Never question the amazingness that is Mabel." Dipper whispered to him as the other two continued their conversation.

"I like your gumption, kid." Stan grinned, pointing a finger-gun to her.

"I don't know what that word means, but thank you." Mabel smiled.

"Do a tyrannosaurus rex! With a fedora!" Dipper suggested, holding up a doodle.

"Or a waffle! With BIG arms!" Mabel held up her own.

"Everyone else in that room was either a real person or based on a published work." Bill remarked, sitting on Dipper's hat. "I think that's a theme to go with."

"Why don't you draw?" Mabel asked.

"Because I'd have to possess the kid to touch anything?" Bill reminded her.

"Oh, right." Mabel nodded.

"How about someone in your family?" Bill suggested.

"Or you!" Dipper grinned.

"Kids!" Stan walked into the room in his suit-shirt and boxers. "Have you seen my pants?" He struck a searching pose.

Mabel's eyes lit up and her pupils went big before she turned away. "Oh, muse. You work in mysterious ways."

Stan stopping posing. "Why is your sister talking to the ceiling?"

Dipper shrugged. Bill had a bad feeling about what she was planning.

After chasing everyone out of the room, Mabel set to work on her project. The other three (two to Stan's knowledge) sat in the living room, waiting for her to finish. Stan was watching TV while Dipper doodled and Bill made comments about his art to help him along. Finally, the door opened and Mabel smiled. "Voila! He is finished!"

Little DipperWhere stories live. Discover now