Candy Hunt

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"I'll keep mine lit as long as I can." Stan promised. "Be careful out there. Here's ten pieces of candy into the wheelbarrow to start you off." He put some into the wheelbarrow Grenda was pushing.

"Let's get going." Gideon said, pulling out his pocketwatch. "We only have a few hours to get this done. And then I think we're banning Bill from answering the door from now on."

"Probably a good idea." Stan nodded.

Bill rolled his eye and crossed his arms over his chest. "I thought I was doing a good thing by not letting some jerk take the candy intended for kids!"

"Grunkle Stan, I called Miss Susan and told her what was going on and she said she'd be over to make sure you don't run out of goodies. She's bringing stuff for cookies~!" Dipper said cheerfully. "I hope there's some left later." He looked thoughtful.

"Who's gonna run things at her place, then?" Stan asked.

"No one, I guess." Dipper shrugged.

"You two can take the time between visitors to get to know each other better." Mabel winked at him.

Stan went pink in the face. "Y-You kids better get going! Go!"

Mabel giggled and walked out of the house with Dipper. "See you later!"

"Hey, Robbie's here." Wendy looked over at Robbie waiting for her. "I'm gonna go. If you come by Tambry's, she'll have candied apples." She grinned and waved, walking off to her boyfriend.

"I wonder what she sees in him? Certainly not his music." Dipper commented as they got into Soos's truck. Soos was dressed as some kind of superhero, though they had offered for him to join the theme. Apparently he'd been working on the costume too long.

"Those two have known each other for years, Dipper." Gideon shrugged. "I'm sure they have something they like about each other."

"But you knew Candy for years." Dipper pointed out.

"She ruined my best suit and almost flooded the town." Gideon said in a dead-pan voice.

"It was worth it." Candy said, nodding firmly. "Though, next time I should use something more explosive than water. While the shape of the water-tower may look like it worked for a rocket, the contents were not very good for fuel."

"I hear corn oil or something will work." Grenda suggested.

"Why can't you just make a mini-volcano like normal people?" Pacifica asked.

"Because science is not about doing what everyone else does, it is about trying new things!" Candy adjusted her glasses, then looked at Bill's tail. "...Could you make mine move?"

"Huh?" Bill looked at her. "Sure, why not?" He reached over and tapped her fake ears and tail. "It'll only last until the end of the night, though. This is only a temporary physical form. If I had my REAL form...Oh boy." He grinned.

"Why didn't you use your Sight when you first answered the door?" Mabel asked.

"Because it takes concentration to use my Sight and I didn't think I would need it." Bill rolled his eye.

"How come you have to use your Sight?" Dipper asked.

"Because while I may have access to all the knowledge of the universe, I have to search for it before I know things." Bill explained. "Can you imagine if I had ALL the knowledge and retained it constantly? I'd blow up mentally, even with my powers!"

"Yikes." Dipper cringed.

"Everyone ready?" Soos asked.

"Yeah." Mabel called back.

"Alright, then! Let's go get candy!" He started the truck and off they went.

"So, what if we can't get enough?" Bill asked. "What'll happen?"

"It'll eat us," Gideon shrugged. "Apparently."

"Can't we destroy it?" Bill asked. "Like we did with the clones, and the wax guys?"

"The Summerween Trickster has been around for two decades without being a trouble. The only reason he's upset is because you refused him." Gideon shook his head. "Let's do things his way."

"Uh, no. If we can't get everything we need, then I'm killing it." Bill nodded firmly.

"We're not going to fail." Mabel said firmly. "Stop talking about the possibility."

"But, if we do--"

"I said stop. Do NOT make me punch you." Mabel said, gesturing aggressively.

"Violent woman." Bill stuck out his tongue at her.

"Jerk." Mabel held Dipper closer to her.

"Be nice, you guys!" Dipper said, looking from one to the other. "Pacifica, can you make them stop?"

"Why do I have to?" She asked.

"Because Gideon is also in the fight and the other two look like they're going to get popcorn." Dipper shrugged.

Pacifica sighed heavily. "Okay, fine. Stop fighting, guys. This night is already tense as it is. Let's have fun."

"Okay. We'll finish this later." Mabel pointed a finger at Bill. "I still have under 48 hours to make your life hell for causing this mess."

"Pft. Kid, you don't know hell." Bill lay back in the hay that covered the bed of Soos' truck. "Hay is surprisingly comfy."

They rode along until they finally reached the residential part of town. "Well, here we are! I'll park, and we'll meet back here." Soos said, pulling up to the side of the curb.

"Let's go." Mabel climbed out and helped Dipper down.

"This is going to be fun!" Grenda said, grinning. "Let's go!" She headed off for the first house.

"Wait for us!" Dipper said, following behind her.

They got to the first house and Dipper knocked on the door.

The door opened and a woman looked out. "Oh, what an adorable costume!"

"Thanks! I'm Alice! Trick or Treat!" Dipper held out his bag.

"You're all doing the same theme? How adorable!" She went in and got her candy bowl before putting it in everyone's bag. "Oh my. I don't believe I've seen you in town." She said, blushing a bit when she got to Bill's bag.

"I don't go out much." Bill shrugged.

"Well, I'd love to see you more often." She winked and then put candy in before going back in. "Take care, now!"

"Let's go." Bill speed-walked away to the next house.

Mabel giggled. "Aww, she likes you."

"She likes my fleshy humanoid disguise, not me." Bill corrected her.

"I like your fleshy, humanoid disguise, too." Grenda said in a sultry way.

Bill had no comment for that. "Hey, look, next house!" He grabbed Dipper's hand and pulled him along to it.

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