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"Hey, Gideon, do you mind if I read that book of yours?" Stan asked as he was helped into the house. "I mean, it'd be a good idea to learn all I can about this town's weird stuff, right?"

"Well...I suppose there's no harm with you readin' it." Gideon reached into his bag and handed him the 2nd Journal. "Don't keep it, though."

"Don't worry, I'll give it back." Stan assured him. "Hey, Dipper, can I see yours, too?"

"Sure!" Dipper brought it over. "Do you need anything else, Grunkle Stan?"

"Mostly just to sit, relax, and brush up on the weird." Stan chuckled. "Thanks, kid." He patted his head.

"Okay, we're gonna go to bed now." Dipper yawned.

"Call if you need anything." Bill said, setting down Stan's bag. "I'll be in my room."

"I'll see Gideon off." Mabel took Gideon's hand and led him to the front door.

Stan sighed happily. "Ahh, young love. Those two make it look so easy."

Bill nodded. "I'm gonna go help Pine Tree get ready." He took Dipper's hand and led him up the stairs.

"You have fun with that!" Stan said, opening the 2nd Journal. "I'll just be right here..." He glanced towards the workshop.

"Stan, you're back!" Tyrone hopped to his feet. "Do you need any help again tonight?"

"I do, actually." Stan smiled and set the books down on his desk, opening them. "That accident made it so I had a bit of trouble walking, can you be my legs?"

"Whatever you want, sir!" Tyrone walked over to the toolbox.

"I think we're pretty much done with those." Stan turned the pages of the books until he found nearly identical ones that were put in the shape of the portal when put together. "Let's see..." He read over it, then moved his chair back and forth between the books, then gasped as he heard a sound. "Tyrone, quick, check on the portal!"

"Yes, sir!" Tyrone opened the door just past the tarp and gasped. "It's glowing!"

"Yes! Help me up, let me see!" Stan held out his hand as Tyrone came back in.

"Here, sir! Unf!" Tyrone pulled him up and led him to the door, looking out at the portal.

"After all these years..." Stan smiled. "Finally."

"Don't you think that Bill will be angry if he finds out, sir?" Tyrone asked.

"He won't find out. C'mon, let's move your cot upstairs, we'll say something is leaking here." Stan closed the door and went to Tyrone's cot. "Oh, ow, body still hurts. Heh, I've walked with worse. C'mon, it's an emergency. Grab the books and that photo frame, will ya?" He picked up the cot and carried it to the elevator.

Tyrone grabbed the Journals and the picture of Dipper and Mabel and ran after him. "Here, sir!"

"Good boy." Stan opened the elevator and ushered him in. "C'mon, hurry!"

When they got to the top, Bill was in the workshop. "Stan, you're in no state to—Tyrone?" Bill frowned.

"Something is leaking from that portal-thingie, it's pretty bad down there! I was hangin' out with Tyrone, and it's a good thing! We almost lost him!" Stan set down the cot, panting for breath.

"Here, let's block the basement again." Bill moved the vending machine back in front of it. "After we evacuate the house, I'll check things out."

"Oh, I don't think we need to evacuate the house. Still, better not to go into the basement." Stan said. "Help me with his cot?"

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