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"Okay, now that Bill is physical again, let's get our costumes on!" Mabel said as they got out of the magic circle.

"You guys going to a party?" Wendy asked as they passed her. She was sitting in the living room with Stan, who was already wearing his costume.

"Nope, just trick-or-treating. I wish you could've joined the theme." Mabel pouted.

"Nah, I'm good." She gestured to her Halloween-themed dress. "Robbie's coming to pick me up for a party at Tambry's soon. You guys have fun, though. Don't piss off any ghosts."

"We have a demon, what danger could a ghost be?" Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Alright, since you were so insistent, I'll let you watch me take my shirt off. But you gotta leave the room after that." Bill told Mabel as he undid his bowtie and set it to the side.

"Can you remove the hat?" Dipper asked.

"I I have to?" Bill asked.

"Yep." Mabel put cat ears on his head. "Whoa, it vanished."

"Yeah, you overlapped it with another hat. You know...I can just...create ears and tail, this is silly." He poked at the headband, which was starting to float above his head.

"Oh." Mabel took the headband away. "Can you do that, then? And once you're shirtless, I gotta work on your makeup!"

"Why can't he just turn purple?" Dipper asked.

"Because, uh, purple doesn't match any of the emotions." Bill admitted. "I can't change my color, just the color of my coat."

"Well, Cheshire Cat is purple." Mabel put her hands on her hips. "So, make-up it is."

"Will the ears and tail be purple?" Dipper asked.

"Well, sure. That's just an illusion, not changing myself." Bill shrugged, and then he unbuttoned his shirt and opened it.

"Ohh...." Mabel looked at his chest, her eyes scanning the brick-like pattern. "Is it the same on the back?"

"Mmhm." Bill set his shirt to the side and grabbed the shirt Mabel had made for him.

"Ah, hold on! Makeup first!" Mabel went to get her costume makeup.

"I think Stan would prefer if Gideon did my makeup." Bill commented as she hauled out the big kit.

"Nah, I can do it just fine! Okay, hold still." She looked over at Dipper. "Let me know if you need help with any of your costume, Dipper."

"Okay!" Dipper started to undress.

Bill sighed and sat down in a folding chair so Mabel could apply the makeup without having to reach up too much. "I don't really like purple, to be honest. Can't the Cheshire Cat be gold?"

"No, he's purple." Mabel opened the kit and started to work. "Just put up with it for a few hours, please?"

Bill sighed heavily and then a purple striped tail curled around the chair, ears poking out of the top of his head as the hat vanished. "As you wish."

"Maybe next year you can be Wesley." Mabel grinned.

"Who?" Bill asked.

"Princess Bride, use your Sight." Mabel said as she continued to color his face.

"I'll do that later." Bill decided.

Dipper picked up the headband that had a ribbon on it and put it on. "Mabel, can I skip on the wig? It feels kind of itchy."

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