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"What was I thinking?!" Mabel held her head as she paced the lounge.

"You were thinking about pride." Bill remarked.

"Hush, Bill. I'm trying to think." Mabel groaned. "I've never seen their parties, how can I do better? Bill, any ideas?"

Bill jolted in his seat on Dipper's shoulder. "Uhhhhh, haha, demon parties aren't anything humans can handle, trust me. Any suggestions I could give you would be potentially lethal and most likely illegal." He said, shaking his head quickly. "Just ask Gideon, I'm sure he has ideas."

"Oh, come on! One suggestion!" Mabel turned to him.

Bill sighed. "Well...if you have something like Time Punch, that's usually a hit..."

"What's Time Punch?" Dipper asked.

"Technically illegal, practically a drug. I wouldn't advise it." Bill said simply.

"Hm...maybe not, but I could whip up some Mabel Juice!" Mabel's eyes lit up.

"Uh, Mabel?" Stan frowned, walking into the room. "What's 'Mabel Juice'? Is it safe?"

"Sure! It's better than coffee, let me make some and you can try it!" She ran off.

Bill looked at Dipper. "Is it safe?"

"I don't remember what happened the last time I tried some." Dipper admitted. "You should stop her, Grunkle Stan."

"Uh, sure. What the hell is 'Time Punch'?" Stan asked.

"Huh?" Dipper blinked.

"You mentioned a 'Time Punch' earlier?" Stan turned to go after Mabel.

"Oh! Uh...just something I read about!" Dipper nodded. 'I forgot, Grunkle Stan can't see Bill!' He thought.

"Okay. Well, when you find out what it is, I guess you can tell me." Stan shrugged and walked out.

Bill looked at Dipper. "We need to keep our conversations to the bedroom, I think."

Dipper nodded. "Good idea." He stretched and hopped off the chair. " don't have any ideas?"

"Well, mirror balls are always fun, and music. And you gotta have food and drinks, but maybe not Mabel Juice because I don't trust what I'm hearing." Bill shrugged. "Streamers are a good idea, and maybe balloons. Got any colored lights?"

Dipper shrugged. "This all sounds pricey." He looked over at the door. "Should we have costumes?"

"Uhh, maybe not." Bill shrugged. "I dunno, we demons don't wear costumes."

"Are all demons secretly flying Doritos?" Dipper grinned.

"Uh, no. Just me." Bill shook his head. "Who all do we have to help? We got your sister, your uncle, you, Question Mark, and Gideon?"

"Wendy might help." Dipper pointed out.

"Oh yeah, Red might help." Bill nodded.

Mabel came back into the room. "Dipper, what did you tell Grunkle Stan? He made me stop!" She pouted.

"Just the truth, that I don't remember what happened the one time mom let you give me some." Dipper smiled innocently.

Mabel sighed. "Okay, so we're gonna stick with regular soda. Or maybe apple cider. Grunkle Stan, can we get apple cider?" She called.

Stan poked his head into the room. "Sure, why not? I'll see if Susan wants to help with the food, too." He walked off to the phone.

"He's so happy with her." Mabel smiled. "Oh! I should ask Wax Stan for advice!" She walked out of the room.

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