Chapter 36: Addiction

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How fucking long do nails take!?

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How fucking long do nails take!?

It's almost sundown and they aren't back, I knew I should've never agreed to their little girls' day but Cassy suggested it would be good for Iris to get out of the house sooner rather than later.

But my heart can't take this.

What if she's hurt again or she's kidnapped?

Throwing me another glass of whiskey I sat down behind my desk to get some work done or at least trying to.

I had everything set up and ready for tonight yet I still needed the most important thing.


Walking into my office Maria placed a cup of coffee on my desk but didn't make any attempt to leave so I placed the papers I was holding down and leaned back in my chair.

"The girls are back" She broke the silence giving me a kind smile.

"Would you like me to ask Iris if she'd meet you at the location" she laughed wiggling her eyebrows.

Groaning I ran my left hand through my hair wondering how she found out.

I haven't told anyone.

"What gave it away?".

"You asked me to prepare her favorite food and then when I was cleaning your room I stumbled across this" She excitedly pulled out the black box.

This woman is unbelievable!

Standing up I took the little box and gave Maria a sarcastic smile before placing it in my pocket.

"No need Maria I'll go get her myself" I yelled out while leaving her standing in my office with a bright smile.

Finding Iris in the living room with Cassy and Michael I made sure she knew I was behind her before I placed my hand on her shoulder not wanting what happened in the kitchen this morning to happen again.

"Hey, Princess" I whispered beside her ear, not in the mood to talk to anyone but her.

"Do you call all the women you meet, princess?" not bothering to give me the time of day Iris stood up excusing herself but she was not getting away that easy.

"I have to show you something so either you come willingly or I throw you over my shoulder and carry you there" Both options have the same outcome but I'd much rather have her choose the second one.

Stomping her feet Iris followed me out of the back door anyway.

Seeing that we didn't live close to the city we were surrounded by woods which wouldn't be idle for Iris to walk through but I've only now thought of that

"Did you finally decide on killing me your just too lazy to carry me to my doom so now I'm walking there on my own" she spoke staying by my side while watching the ground.

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