Chapter 9: Scars

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No no no no

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No no no no

Looking at the mess I made my face paled knowing I'd have a lot more trouble now than before.

I already risked making breakfast for me and Michael but now I've broken the plate which would lead to my death at this point.

Carter already hates me and he just happened to be the one to catch me.

"Tell me what you need to do Iris!" Carter stepped closer.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I whispered still looking down.

"Drop the act Iris, tell me what your so-called mission is" Carter came closer again but his words took me back to the conversation I was having with Zeus a few seconds ago.

Remembering his words from last night I knew he thought that I was working for Damon.

" Carter it's not what you think" twisting my fingers with each other I tried my best not to fall over my words.

Seeing Zeus getting closer to the sharp pieces I bent down quickly picking them up before he could get hurt.

A large hand wrapped around my wrist pulling me up, but the sharp pieces I already collected pushed into my palm.

Biting my lip to keep it from shaking I pushed out my leg to stop Zeus from going near the pieces that remained.

"Speak or so help me god you'll be spending a lot of time in the basement" he seethed.

"Michael took my teddy bear, so I and Zeus have a mission to get it back, so I planned on giving him food so that he'd be distracted enough for me to get it without him noticing" I rushed out.

Releasing my wrist I bent down again picking up the remaining pieces before placing them on the marble counter.

Grabbing my wrist again but gently this time Carter pulled me toward the sink, opening the cold water.

He grabbed the first-aid kit out of the cupboard before placing my hand on a paper towel.

"I'll help you make more food but then you'll have to go get dressed" he spoke softer than he's spoken to me ever before.

Stopping his hand before he could take out a band-aid, I mustered up the courage to ask him for the pink ones.

"There aren't any" he mused giving me one of the boring brown ones.

Zeus had cleaned up the floor a lot better than I could've but I still felt really bad about the broken plate.

"I'll be right back, I can fix this" I ran out of the kitchen before Carter could stop me and I only stopped once I reached my room.

Going through my draws I pulled out the glue Michael brought and I made my way back to the mess I'd made.

Carter was busy gathering ingredients but I couldn't waste any time, without paying him much thought I carefully grabbed all the pieces and laid them out on the dining table.

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