Chapter 7: Time

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I fell asleep before dinner was ready and Zeus had curled up next to me yet again when I woke up from another bad dream

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I fell asleep before dinner was ready and Zeus had curled up next to me yet again when I woke up from another bad dream.

Today already started horribly so I decided to stay in bed not ready to talk to anyone yet.

I kept staring out the window while running my hand through his thick hair, watching the thunderclouds forming outside. I've been here for a few days but I knew as soon as my family gave Carter what he requested he'd send me back to them and they'd give me to the mast- to Damon.

I refuse to go back to him and I already formed a plan to escape if it were to happen.

I'd rather run for the rest of my life than be near him.

I've allowed Michael to see my vulnerable side, which would probably get me into trouble in the future but he's been nothing but kind toward me.

After spending years abused mentally and physically I should've learned my lesson about trusting too quickly yet I trusted Michael blindly without knowing who he was.

This could be Damon's plan after all.

He's done this before on my sixteenth birthday as a 'present', he ordered one of the recruits to befriend me, making sure I believed the act.

He use to bring me food and small gifts after Damon locked me up for long periods in the basements.

I should've known.

But I didn't and I truly believe he wanted to help me escape but as soon as I was on my way to the airport Damon stopped me and dragged me back to the house. Remember his words I shuttered at the thought.

"The only way you'll get away from me is by death Iris"

Knocking at the door grabbed my attention, and I stayed silent hoping whoever it was would take the hint and go away, but when the door slowly opened I knew they hadn't.

"Iris are you awake?" Michael asked making his way into the room but he froze when Zeus lifted his head.

"I'm awake" I was back to whispering.

A frown settled on his face as he spoke "What happened, who do I need to kill?".

Only shaking my head at his question he gave me a little smile and I placed my gaze on the floor.

"Can I tell you a secret?" he bent down in front of me and I gave him a quick nod waiting for him to continue with his so-called secret.

"I was hoping you'd hold my hand while we remove the bandages today because I'm scared it would hurt, but I know for certain that if I saw you smiling my fear would slip away and I'd be brave enough to do it" he whispered glancing at Zeus a few times.

I couldn't understand why he'd be scared of removing a bandage but if he needed me I'd simply push all my feelings down and lock them away.

I couldn't be selfish, my friend needed me.

"Do you think holding my teddy would help?" I whispered sitting up.

Nodding Michael sat down on the floor, probably trying his best to stay as far away as possible from Zeus, so I placed my teddy on his lap before carefully placing my hand in his.

Taking a deep breath I gave him a reassuring smile and he counted to three before removing the bandages without so much as a sound.

He played me.

" lied, I hope you fall onto a cactus and-and can't sit for a week" I grabbed my teddy bear and took a deep breath knowing what I said wasn't nice at all.

"I'm sorry I know you only wanted to help" I mumbled turning around so my back was facing him.

I've done enough talking for today so I tugged the blanket over my head hoping Michael would leave so I couldn't be an ungrateful nugget towards him.

This time he got the message but before he left he gave me a quick hug and told me he'd be back later.

I haven't gotten out of bed and it was near dinner time now, but the nice lady came to tell me that Michael requested my presence at the dinner

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I haven't gotten out of bed and it was near dinner time now, but the nice lady came to tell me that Michael requested my presence at the dinner.

"Please let him know I won't be joining him" I softly replied hoping he won't be angry at my answer.

Moments later a worried Michael ran into my room.

"What's wrong? Do you have pain anywhere? Can I bring you anything?" he spoke without taking any breaths and I silently waited for him to stop his rambling.

"Why aren't you speaking is your voice gone? Does your throat hurt?".

Shaking my head he sat down at my feet, seeing that Zeus went out a while ago to do his business.

"I'm okay, I'm just not hungry".

"Can you at least eat a little piece of the pie" he tried reasoning, but all I wanted now was to be left alone. Everything was starting to overwhelm me and I needed time to adjust.

Michael saw I wasn't going to agree so he tucked me in instead.

He disappeared for a few seconds but came back with a silver object and a bag full of snacks.

He placed everything on my bed and closed my door, before climbing under the covers. He adjusted everything and made sure I was comfortable before giving me the movie options.

"You're allowing me to watch a movie?".

"Of course I am, and you don't need my permission to watch a movie Iris remember you are in charge" his frown turned into a smile at the end of his sentence.

Choosing to watch a movie called 'finding Nemo', we settled down, and the sound of wrappers opening filled my room.

Michael fell asleep halfway through but I couldn't sleep before I knew Nemo was back home, safe with his father and Dory.

I cried a lot at the beginning and when he was taken but Dory made me feel better.

Feeling my eyelids getting heavier, I tried my best to stay awake, but I couldn't.

Darkness soon surrounded me, and my dreams were filled with memories of Damon and all the punishments.

Darkness soon surrounded me, and my dreams were filled with memories of Damon and all the punishments

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