Chapter 19: Good Boy

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Feeling something wet on my face I woke up to Zeus drooling all over me while the bright sun blinded my vision

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Feeling something wet on my face I woke up to Zeus drooling all over me while the bright sun blinded my vision.

My head was killing me at this point while I took the pacifier out of my mouth not remembering how it got there.

"Zeus stop I'm awake" I giggled pushing his face away from mine.

Stretching the covers fell revealing an all-too-familiar black hoodie with a pair of boxers making me panic.

Looking around my room I found no one and my heart rate slowed down but I was left confused at the fact that someone changed me.

I know I fell asleep in my dress because I couldn't get the stupid thing off so how'd I end up in other clothes?

Looking at the bedside table a small white pulled laid beside a glass of water with a note attached to it.

'You'll feel better after drinking the pill and come down for breakfast when you're ready

Drinking the pill I quickly washed my face before doing my business and going down to eat some of Maria's lovely food.

The air filled with an amazing smell as I neared the kitchen but instead of being greeted by Maria a shirtless Carter was busy flipping some pancakes while Mateo sat at the kitchen table busy on his phone.

"Morning" I mumbled sitting down next to him and grabbing their attention.

"How's your head love?" Mateo asked placing his phone on the table.

"It hurts" I whispered leaning against the table wondering why Mateo was shouting at me.

I've never felt this way before.

Both of them chuckled making me hiss at the sudden noise.

Just when I laid my head down on the cold surface Michael came walking in.

"Morning" he yelled beside my ear making me jump in my seat causing me to fall off.

Instead of telling him to be quiet, I called Zeus hoping he'd chase him around like he always did, and seeing the fear in Micheal's eyes when he heard the growling I giggled watching him run out of the room.

"You're a mean one ain't your" Mateo joked but after calling Zeus back he too ran out of the room yelling at me to make Zeus stop.

Sitting back down Carter placed a plate in front of me filled with bacon, eggs, and toast and I silently thanked him before taking a bite.

Carter sat down next to me without a plate for himself so I picked up a piece of toast with bacon on top while offering it to him.

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