46. End Of The World

Start from the beginning

Much to my relief, because I would feel slightly bad doing that to my Beta and best friend we are placed in a large and roomy taxi that will take us to the hotel. I'm not against extravagant spending, but we had to use the third most expensive lodging available so we could be directly across the street from this Elijah guy's room. We planned to zip line into his balcony to obtain the information we needed because nobody that came along has the capability of zapping themselves magically into another place. Avril volunteered because she is the fastest and could get out of there in a hurry if needed. She's almost pretty indestructible, but I'm sure there's something that could harm or kill her.

"We are ordering room service now!" I basically command as soon as we pass our key card over the reader on the door. I get looks of agreement and as we stumble into the room to prepare for our mission.

We discuss our plan of action over some food, which took us some time to decide on. I never would have guessed there would be so many seafood options here. Where is the real meat!? All the wolves got boeuf bourguignon and potatoes dauphinoise for actual substance, while Avril rolled her eyes at our temper tantrum at the menu and ordered what I considered the less desirable dishes. Escargot. Watching her consume it and its chewy texture made me gag, but I still had an appetite and continued eating.

Scraping the last of the meat and sauce off our plates we sit satiated until we put our plan into action. In tee minus fifteen minutes Avril will be zip lining across the street and down one floor into the lion's den. She's a tough broad and this is the first time I've ever seen her shake in a nervous state. If this is how she is reacting to facing this Elijah guy, I'm guessing their history must be personal in nature. Alec holds her tightly whispering sweet nothings into her ears to calm her nerves making me wish I was holding Scarlett right now. We will be home in two days. Two days I can hold the love of my life again.

Everyone is dressed in their tuxedos, except for Avril whose dress is neatly tucked inside a briefcase that Alec will be holding on to. We timed this so we could grab data off his laptop before the meeting started because surely, he wouldn't be in his room ten minutes before it starts. Danny left right after dinner and is stationed in the conference room of the hotel to keep an eye on this demi-god and provide us updates on him. Luca left with him to head across the street and set up the zip line unnoticed before coming back to our room to do his IT stuff. Avril can't mindlink with us, so she's wearing an earpiece along with myself and looks like a secret agent with her black combat books and body suit. The zipline holster rests on her waist and thighs as Alec hooks up the ropes through the carabiner placing a soft kiss onto her lips.

"Are we ready?" I say simultaneously out loud and through mindlink. Perks of an Alpha. Everything is a go and Alec hoists Avril up on the edge of the balcony as she clips on to the rope connected to Elijah's balcony from ours. She zips across at lightning speed and Alec releases our end so she can pull it into the mini backpack she is wearing. She can jump straight down the eleven stories without injury. Unfortunately, she can't jump across at the angle his room is located hence the zipline.

She gives us a thumbs up as she slides inside the glass door and lets me know over the mic, she found his computer. Six minutes go by, and the data transfer is almost complete when I hear her say "shit" under hear breath. I peek through the curtain and see her back on the balcony hesitating for a minute before deciding to jump toward the balcony above her and shimmying her way over the railing. Seconds later the infamous Elijah steps out onto the balcony looking around and lighting what looks like a cigarette. Hmm, he doesn't look how I expected him to look.

I swear to the Goddess, I think he sees me as he looks up to our room and. I close the curtain shut quickly praying to the Goddess, he didn't notice me. Taking a deep breath, I ask Luca if we completed the data transfer and thankfully, he says yes.

I peer out of a small slit I made to see Avril clinging to the floor of the balcony above this demi-god and if I'm not mistaken, he sniffs the air. What? He finally goes back inside, and I tell her it is safe for her to jump, and we will meet her at the conference room. A few minutes later she jumps over the edge landing in the alley where Alec has already been waiting for her.

"Danny, why didn't you tell me he left the conference room!? Avril almost got caught." I mindlink with an angry tone.

"Sorry, Alpha. He kind of just disappeared into thin air."

I know he has a. mate and wouldn't be mingling with others. He's also proven himself to be strong and has Alpha blood in his veins thanks to his mother Layla. How powerful are demi-gods?

We make our way into the conference room to see Elijah standing at the podium welcoming us to the meeting. How did he get in here so fast?

The doors behind us close shut and lock us inside as a booming and commanding voice speaks about a great opportunity to expand a faction for demons within our world. This is exactly how things started last time except a demon, not a demi-god, stood on stage to announce the attack.

Shit. We have to get out of here.

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