During the summer we went to Australia where Rain gave birth to a beautiful stallion. Every time we went to see the horses Phoenix was smiling and grabbing their manes. I think she's going to be a horse girl for sure, just like her mom.

I've been feeling sick all week leading up to today, I never thought I would have this much stress about it. I would be equally as proud whether Daniel wins today or not. But I know how much this means to him, if he makes it today he has proven everybody that he is still an amazing driver and that it was definitely not his fault that he couldn't get the results everybody wanted with McLaren.
Lando has been struggling all year, the McLaren is still only P8 in the drivers championship and I feel devastated for him.

I'm glad he turned to me to talk a lot, I hope I've been able to keep him a tiny bit positive, but I also know that he won't be able to keep it up much longer.
Yesterday was qualifying and Daniel starts at P2 with Max on pole.
I know they will fight, but I also know they will fight fair. Neither of them wants to end this season with a crash, especially not a crash that includes the both of them.

Daniel is in his room preparing, he is also very stressed out, he has put so much pressure on himself to win today, that it even caused him to lose quite a lot of sleep the last couple of nights.
Phoenix sleeps through the night nowadays, but now it was Daniel keeping himself and me up. So I'm exhausted, but I try not to show it too much.

Laura, Daniels assistant, comes up behind me.
"Skylar! Daniel is asking for you. I'll watch Phoenix."
I quickly kiss my girl on her cheek before making my way to Daniel. I trust Laura with our daughter, so I don't mind leaving Phoenix with her for a bit.
Without knocking I open the door of Daniels room where I find him pacing back and forth.

"Babe? You needed me?"
He didn't even notice me come in until I said something.
"Are you freaking out?"
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. At least he stops pacing now.
"I've never been this close to achieving the dream of winning the championship. It's like I can almost grasp it. But it's just out of reach. I don't feel like I'll be able to get it today."
The last time I've seen him this pale was after his accident when he fell with Buck.

"I understand, but you have to believe in yourself. Look at what you've accomplished this year. Like you said, you've never been this close. Last year there was no chance of you even thinking about the championship. I truly believe you can get it today." I run my finger over his cheek, through his stubble.
"But I'm starting second. Max is so good, I don't know if I'll be able to pass him."

"My sweet honey badger. You have done that more than once this year. You know you can, you just have to trust yourself. I know you can, the team has faith in you. You can do this. If you don't believe yourself, believe me when I say it."
His arms snake around me and he presses me against his hard body so tightly I can almost feel my bones crack.
"I couldn't have done it without you." He says with his face buried in the crook of my neck.

"Yes you could. But I'm glad I got to experience it with you. Now is there anything I can do to help you relax?"
He looks down at me with a cheeky grin, "there is something..."
"Not that, there's no time. But tonight, you're mine. After the party is over. Because there will be celebrations. Either for you or Max."
He sighs, "ok well then maybe a kiss if I can't get anything more for now."

That I can do right now. I bury my fingers in his curls and pull him closer. First I only brush my lips over his. Leaving him groaning and wanting more. Then I press my lips on his properly, pouring all the love I have for him in that kiss. I try to make him feel the faith I have in him and how much I believe in his abilities to win today.
There's a knock on the door, "Mate! It's time."
We pull apart and I smile at him, "go get em. This is your time."

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now