"Umm. I'm um Homosexual." Cas replied, "Please don't hurt me." Cas added and put his arms in front of himself.

"Cas, I'm gay too. I won't hurt you don't worry." Dean pulled Castiel into his arms and hugged him tightly. "I would never hurt someone as beautiful as you." Dean whispered, he heard a small giggle and he smiled.

"Hey Cas?"


"You're sweating, why don't you take of the coat."

"No I can't."

"Why not?"


"Cas, I know you're probably hurt and have scars on your body, but you don't have to hide them from me. I'll still think of you the same as I did before." Dean said. Castiel reluctantly pulled of his shirt and winced. There was blood on the back of his shirt, and it wasn't old.

Dean grabbed his coat and flung it on the bed and quickly pulled Cas to him. Without acknowledging it, he started to unbutton Cas's shirt and pulled it off. His body was covered in scars. fresh scars with blood were mostly on his back and on his lower chest.

Tears began to stream from Castiel's face. "Please don't so what he does to me please." Cas begged, tears covering his face.

"Do what Cas?"

"Make me do things."

"Cas I would never do that. I just want to clean the cuts and make sure they don't get infected okay?" Dean replied.

"Okay." Castiel said and followed behind him.

Soon the cuts were cleaned and the two were told it was time to turn in. Dean began to take his clothes off when he saw Cas's eyes filled with fear.


"Yes Dean?"

"You okay?"

"I'm scared."

"Scared of what?"

"What if they can't cure me?"

"Cas, there's nothing wrong with you! You're amazing and no one should ever try to change a thing about you." Dean said, a tear slowly falling from his eyes.

"You believe that?"

"Of course babe."



"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"You can sleep in my bed every night angel." Dean said, a smile spread on his face.

3 Months later and the two were still not cured. The people who ran it separated the two and they weren't allowed to see each other. That didn't stop them from sneaking out of their rooms and meeting up. Quietly swimming in the lake, having those small make out sessions and having each other in their arms.

It took only 3 months for them to fall completely in love. But now, the three months were over and they had to go back home.

"We'll meet again soon okay Cas?"


"Promise babe. I love you."

"I love you too Dean Winchester." Cas said and placed his lips on to the boys in front of him.

"GET OFF OF HIM!" An angry voice said. Dean's fathers face was filled with anger. He quickly made his way to Cas and punched him in the face twice before being pulled off of Cas.

"What the hell John!" the person said.

"This kid is stopping my son from being cured! He deserves to be killed!" John yelled.

"The only person that deserves to be killed here is you! You're disgusting! There's nothing wrong with these two! Dean's coming to stay with me and Ellen!" The man said. John huffed and walked to his truck and sped off.

"You okay boy?" The man asked.

Cas blinked and shook his head.

"You mean it? I'm coming with you?" Dean asked.

"Hell yeah! I can't have you're father hurting you again." The man looked at Castiel and smiled.

"You his boyfriend?" The man asked.

"Yes he his." Dean answered.

"Your parents send you here too?" Cas shook his head again and looked at Dean.

"Well then, looks like they won't mind if you come live with us either. Names Bobby kid, what's yours?"

"Castiel." Cas said.

"Well Castiel, welcome to the family."

Okay here's another chapter! It's much longer so I hope you enjoyed it!!

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