The whole world is watching

Start from the beginning

"Definitely in a good way. At least that's what she said." I pat his knee to reassure him.
"I would have been good for her you know? If she would have just given me a chance and herself to commit to somebody. I would have been able to make her happy."
I feel for him, I'll never understand why Jenna let him go, but I guess she has her own reasons not wanting to settle down.

"I know Michael. You're a catch for any woman. I'm sure you'll find the right one. The one you eventually end up with is going to be so lucky."
Peanut then decides to kick me so hard I flinch.
"You ok?" Michael asks me worried.
"Shit, yeah I'm fine. The little one in there just decided to use my internal organs as punching bags. Aah that hurts." I can actually see my bump moving.
Michael puts his hand there where he can also see something poking through my skin.

"Hey little one, behave yourself! You're hurting your mom, that's not very nice. Listen to your uncle Michael!"
As a respons he gets kicked against his hand.
"Feisty little man in there."
"Yeah I'm glad he's doing so well, but it would be nice if he didn't hurt me so much with his kicking. I think I'm gonna go to bed, I'm knackered, if I stay here I'll fall asleep on the table."

He gets up so I can get out from the booth we're sitting at.
I walk over to Daniel who is just throwing back another shot.
"Babe, enjoy the rest of the night, but I'm heading up, your son is really hurting me and I'm just exhausted."
He looks at me and I can tell he's definitely not sober anymore which makes me smile.

"Is our little girl causing you trouble? Let me have a word." He kneels down in front of me, facing my bump.
"Sweet little girl, it's daddy. You really have to give mommy a break. She needs to sleep and she can't if you keep hurting her. So be a sweet girl for me and go to sleep just as mommy. I love you baby girl."
He gets a soft push against his hand which feels a lot better than the kicks I have been getting so far.

"That's it sweetheart. Sweet dreams." He gets up a bit unsteady. "Do you want me to go with you?"
I shake my head, "no you enjoy the party, you deserve this. Just make sure you can still find your way to our room." I put my hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his stubble.
"I love you my future world champion."
He's got his eyes closed as he leans against my hand.
"I'm nowhere near being a world champion, but I love you too. I won't be much longer."

After a loving kiss I go get my bag from where Michael is still sitting.
"I'll look after him to make sure he doesn't get too wasted." He says and I give him a peck on the cheek.
"Thanks, his room key is in his left pocket. Have fun bringing him upstairs."
He pulls his face in a grimace, "I'll make sure he drinks plenty of water before bringing him up. Goodnight Sky."

Back in our room I take a quick shower before putting on one of Daniels shirts which is now getting a bit snug around my belly.
"Just perfect. Soon I won't even be able to wear his shirts to sleep in anymore." I mumble to myself after getting in bed.
I turn to my side, because that's for now the most comfortable position to sleep in, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to bring my body pillow to Jeddah, because that makes sleeping a lot easier.

Peanut starts to move around a bit, replacing my internal organs again, so I try to sing the song we played when I was walking down the aisle in Monaco and eventually he settles and I can finally try to sleep myself.

About an hour later I hear a lot of stumbling and mumbling coming from the lounge.
I guess my husband is back, so I drag myself out of bed to see if he needs help. He does by the sounds of it.
As I stand in the doorway I see him trying to take of his shoes.
"Need a hand?" I ask, startling him so much he falls over.
"Shit." He's laying on the floor, holding his one shoe that is still on his foot.

Fields of Gold; Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now