Good News and Wedding Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Branch and Creek)

Branch and Creek were in their newly built pod. The blue troll had made his fiancé a special dinner. He had great news to share with him. He knew Creek would be just as happy about the news as he was.

"Whoa!" Creek gasped. "What is this for?" He asked.

"I have some news, great news." He grinned widely.

"What is it?" He asked.

"You'll see." Branch told him. "We have to eat first."

"You can't tell me you have news and not share it with me." He glared at him.

"But I am." He smirked.

"Brat." He pouted.

"Thank you." He made sure to sound very cheerful when he said it.

"After dinner?" He asked, still pouting.

"Yes. The desert will tell you what my news is." The survivalist answered.

"Okay." He smiled. 'Why won't you just tell me?' He wondered.

"Dig in." He said, sitting at the table.

"Gladly." He smiled, sat down, and they both began eating.

The two ate their dinner and talked about their day. Branch avoided the news he had to share. Soon the two finished and Branch smiled before going into the kitchen. He brought out the cake he had made and sat it on the table.

"Here it is." He said.

"Yes." Creek was happy he was finally going to learn what the news was.

"Read it." He encouraged.

"Okay. Congratulations! You are going to be a daddy!" He read before looking at Branch. "We have an egg?!"

Branch grinned and took the egg out of his hair. It was bright blue with different color crystals all over it. Creek immediately fell in love with the egg.

"Beautiful." He breathed out, taking the egg into his hands.

"Yes they are." Branch agreed.

"I can't wait to tell everyone." The guru said.

"Tomorrow. After the wedding." He said.

"Perfect." He put the egg in his hair before kissing the blue troll.

"I love you." He kissed him back.

"I love you too."

"Ready for that cake?" He asked.

"I am." He answered with a smile.

(Next Morning)

Branch met at Biggie's house to get ready. He chose the big guy to be his best man. The reason was that not only had they become close friends but Biggie was really good at calming him down. He knew he would need someone to help calm his nerves on this big day. DJ was Creek's best woman. He wanted Poppy but she was marrying them.

"The twins are here." Biggie told them.

"I can't believe they managed to remake the wedding clothes so fast." Branch said, in awe of their talent.

"Me neither." He too was impressed.

"It is because we are awesome." Satin said.

She was wearing a baby blue dress with light purple see through sleeves. The dress stopped at her knees. Her hair was decorated in purple lilies. Her necklace was silver with a purple gem in the middle. She was stunning.

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