The Culprits

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Spirit)

Spirit took a deep breath before entering the field. His class was doing an outdoor class. They would be painting. He scanned around until he found the group. He went over to them and began setting up. They looked at him in confusion. They didn't know he was the one that tattled but Spirit wasn't a part of their group.

"Lost?" Smudge asked.

"No. I have some juicy news." He said. "About Branch."

"We don't care about that freak." Tulip hissed.

"Not even him crying?" Spirit asked.

"What?!" The four looked at him in shock.

"Yesterday. I was out picking blueberries for my grandmother. Creek had arrived and Branch ran into his arms crying." He told them.

"Do you know why?" Meadow asked.

"I heard Branch sob something about pictures and all ruined before they were out of earshot." He said.

"Really?" The four shared a look.

"Yes. I have no clue what he meant." He said.

"We do." Armsly said.

"Shut up!" Tulip, Smudge, and Meadow hissed.

"You do?" Spirit said at the same time.

"What is it to you?" Meadow sneered.

"No matter what I did I haven't been able to make that freak cry. How did you do it?" He asked.

"What did you do?" Armsly asked.

"Destroyed his crops, threw rocks at him, and hid his backpack." He lied. "I can't do much since my grandma would tan my hide."

The other four shared a look. They turned and looked at Spirit. He hated their smug looks and wide nasty grins. Tulip was the one that spoke.

"We destroyed his pictures. They were hidden in his dresser and bookcases. We figured that meant they were special to him. We also used his clothes as rags. We blew our noses, whipped our buts, and spit on them." She cackled.

Spirit gave a loud gasp. He pretended to be afraid as he stared behind the four. He picked up his things and took off. The four looked confused. They looked behind them and froze in fear. Poppy and DJ Suki were behind them. Their arms were crossed and an angry look was on their face.

"Q-queen Poppy!" Armsly gasped.

"So it was you four that ruined Branch's pictures." Poppy said.

"N-no. I was lying. I heard what happened to Branch and I took credit. We didn't do it!" Tulip denied.

"I don't think you were." DJ said.

"Spirit made us!" Meadow yelled.

"Don't blame him. We heard you admit to it." She said.

"Why do you care about that freak?" Smudge asked in anger.

"Don't even blame him son." Smudge's mother said. "Branch is the victim and you four need to stop. Queen Poppy I found this in my son's room."

"Mom!" The small troll gasped in shock.

"Don't." She said, "What is my son's punishment? I can tell you he is grounded for a month and whatever you wish to tack on is fine with me."

"No parties for three months and they are banned from field trips for three months as well. They will also be made to do at least one month's worth of community service." She said.

"No!" They gasped in horror.

"No more talking." Smudge's mom said. "Seems reasonable. Come along son. You will finish class back at the school. We will discuss this at home."

"Yes mom." Smudge packed up and followed his mom out.

"What is going on here?" Arms, Armsly's dad, asked.

Poppy explained what happened. Arms nodded and left. He returned with Tulip and Meadow's parents. They took their kids back to the school. Spirit returned and handed the recording to Poppy. She smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Um, I made coffee cakes for Branch. Could you give them to him?" He asked.

"Of course." She said and took them.

"Can you tell him I hope he feels better?" He asked.

"Of course we will." DJ said.


"Spirit?" It was the teacher.

"Yes Miss Aqua?"

"You can hand in your painting tomorrow. You did good today." She smiled.

"Thanks." He blushed.

"You're welcome." She walked off.

"Well we should go." DJ said.

"Okay. By Queen Poppy, DJ."

"Bye Spirit."

DJ and Poppy left. They went to Branch's bunker. They arrived just in time to see Creek and Branch leaving. The two girls saw that Branch was wearing his new clothes. He wore a dark purple vest and black shorts. He looked really good.

"Hey guys." Poppy greeted.

"Poppy, DJ." Branch greeted them quietly.

"Hey Poppy, DJ." Creek greeted with a smile.

"So we found who destroyed your pictures. Meadow, Tulip, Smudge, and Armsly. So far their parents have grounded them. Smudge was grounded for a month. Tulip and Meadow were grounded for three weeks and Armsly was grounded for five weeks. I have added no parties for three months and they are banned from field trips for three months as well. They will also be made to do at least one month's worth of community service." Poppy told them.

"Good." Creek said.

"Spirit helped us. He remembered that while they were in the bunker they were missing for a while and when they returned they claimed to be in the bathroom. Spirit found that odd since they didn't exit from the bathroom, which you showed them where it was, and that they were all together. He got them to confess. Smudge also had a letter about it lying about his room. His mom gave it to us." DJ said.

"These are from Spirit. He made them for you and hoped that you would feel better." Poppy said as she handed the coffee cakes over.

"I'll thank him the next time I see him." Branch said.

"We'll see you later." The orange haired troll said.

"Okay." The girls left.

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