Branch's Offer

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

Creek woke up in a fright. He had a nightmare about the silent creeper. He dreamt that Branch never came and saved him. Instead the spider had eaten him. Luckily he woke before he was swallowed.

"It was a dream. Just a dream." He said to himself.

He stood from his bed and left his pod. He hoped a walk would help calm him down. The cool air did help to sooth his sweat slickened body. Unfortunately he was still thinking about the creature and what would have happened had Branch not been there to save him.

Branch too was walking around. He had been setting up traps to catch the creeper. At least it could no longer enter the village. He ran into Creek. One look at Creek and he knew what was wrong with the purple troll.

"Namaste Branch." Creek greeted tiredly.

"Creek." He gave him a nod.

"Why are you out this late/early?" He asked the gray troll.

"I have been setting up traps to catch the silent creeper." Creek flinched at that. "You?"

"Taking a walk." He answered.

"You couldn't sleep, could you?" He gave him a sympathetic look.

"You can tell?" The spiritualist asked.

"Yes." He nodded.


"Was it about earlier?" He asked.

"Yes." He confirmed.

"That really sucks." He winced at what he said.

"Gee thanks." He didn't expect Branch to be comforting but that was mean.

"Sorry. Not used to these types of situations where I need to be sympathetic and comforting." The gray troll explained.

"It's fine." At least he knew the other troll wasn't trying to be mean.

"Did the walk help?" Branch asked.

"No. Usually I meditate but-"

"You're scared to go back to the meadow after what happened?" He asked.

"Yes. It was a peaceful place and I'm not sure I can meditate anywhere right now." He admitted.

Branch stared at the other troll. Creek was never nice to him and he wasn't nice to him. Creek teased him and Branch would insult him whenever they had the chance. That is why he had been surprised by what came out of his mouth and that he meant it.

"You can use my bunker to meditate." He said.

Creek looked at him in surprise. "Really?"

"I don't say things I don't mean." Branch said. 'Even if I didn't mean to say it in the first place.'

"If...if you're sure." He said.

"I am." He confirmed.


"Don't mention it." He said.

Knowing that he meant it, Creek just nodded his head. The survivalist was helping him so he wasn't about to antagonize him.

"Do you want to go now or later?" He asked.

"Now. If that's okay?" He asked despite what Branch had just said to him.

"I asked, didn't I?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry." He looked upset.

Branch sighed. "I'll just chalk it up to you being tired."


"Follow me."


Branch took Creek back to his bunker. He noticed Creek shivering and looked around in fear. He didn't know why he cared but he moved so that he was walking closer to Creek. He hoped it helped.

Creek felt safer the closer he was to Branch. The reason was that he had already saved his life and if a creature attacked Branch would keep him safe. Plus he offered him a safe place to meditate.

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