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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

Branch sat at his desk deep in thought. He just couldn't understand why he was being nice to Creek. Ever since they had arrived in this area and created Troll city the purple troll had been a jerk. Not to anyone but Branch. To everyone else he was charming. He, like the other trolls except Poppy, reserved being a jerk to just him.

Sure Branch had saved him but the gray troll would have saved any troll. He did so a lot. Just because he disliked the trolls for how they treated him didn't mean he wanted them to die. Why was it that he saved the trolls on a regular basis and was now being nice to Creek when he never was before. The survivalist felt that if they were going to be mean to him, call him names, ridicule him, and blow off his warnings then he shouldn't have to be nice to them either.

"I don't get it." He mumbled to himself.

Branch wrote down different reasons as to why he was being nice to the spiritualist but none of them seemed to fit. He crossed them off his list. He threw his pencil in frustration. A knock at the door startled him. He quickly threw the list away.

"Come in." He said.

The door opened to reveal Creek. "Hey."

The purple troll looked scared and nervous as he walked in. He was biting his lip and fidgeting. Branch wondered what would cause this.

"Yes?" He raised an eyebrow and waited.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"What?" Branch knew he must have heard him wrong. There was no way that Creek would ever say those words to him.

"I'm sorry. All these years I teased you. I... I never realized that you actually believe that the Bergins will find us and eat us." He looked very guilty.

"Why would I say they were going to find us if I didn't believe that?" He was more curious than angry. 'I thought I annoyed everyone with how paranoid I am.'

"I always assumed you did it to stop us from partying. I figured you hated having fun so much that you would ruin it for the rest of us." He answered truthfully.

"Oh." That was a shock and he had to admit that he was hurt by that. 'I don't care that they are having fun. I just want them to stop being so careless.'

"I now know that all those warnings were really about the Bergins. It's not just them is it?" That silent creeper really opened Creek's eyes.

"No it isn't. We are prey to a lot of dangerous creatures. I have stopped many creatures with my traps over the years." The gray troll informed him.

"I'm sorry. I am a jerk. So many times I told you to see things our way but the truth is we need to see the world through your eyes. I'm sorry for not seeing that and believing you were the jerk." He wanted to turn back time and smack his younger self until he wised up.

Branch sat there stunned. Never in all his years did he believe the guru troll would say anything like this to him. No one bothered to listen to him. He was the city's crazy troll. Now his bully was apologizing to him and seeing what he did.

"I am truly sorry." Creek repeated.

"Thanks." He accepted the apology since he could see that Creek meant it.

"I'll talk to the others." He promised.

"Why?" The survivalist asked in confusion.

"To get them to see the truth. We all need to help protect our city." He answered.

"Whatever." He muttered.

Branch didn't believe any of those stuck up trolls would help. They believed he was crazy and very paranoid. They would blame him for what happened to Creek, if they believed he had been attacked. He sighed and looked at the purple troll.

"Since it is late you can stay here if you'd like." He offered.

"Sure." He nodded.

The gray troll stood up. "Follow me then."

Creek followed Branch as he exited the room. He opened the blue door that Creek recalled was the living room.

As they entered the guru troll was surprised. He thought the room would be done in dark colors. It wasn't. The walls were a light sky blue. There were pictures of Branch's grandmother and his parents hanging up. The frames were silver and looked like vines wrapping around the picture. The floor was done with a cream colored carpet. The couch and two armchairs were sky blue with dark blue pillows. The tables and stands were light brown.

The lighting came from flower shaped lamps on the end stands. They were sky blue. The bookstand was filled with books. They were neatly organized. Next to the bookcase was a chest. It was plain, light brown with gold hinges. Creek watched as Branch pulled the table away. He wondered what the other troll was doing. Soon the survivalist removed the pillows and cushions from the couch. He placed them to the side and pulled on something. To Creek's surprise it was a bed.

"Wow." He gasped.

"What?" Branch asked as he made up the bed.

"I've never seen a couch do that before." He answered.

"The extra bedrooms aren't ready yet. My grandma had a couch like this for guests." He explained in embarrassment.

"Really?" He actively tried to forget what happened before they moved to Troll City.

"Yeah." He confirmed.

"I don't remember that." He said apologetically. "That was cool of her."

"Yeah." He agreed.

"Thank you for letting me spend the night." He said.

"No problem. Do you want some bed clothes?" He asked.

"Yes please." Creek had changed clothes when he left his pod and now was a little dirty from his walk.

Branch nodded before he left the room. He returned with a pair of gray sweats. He handed them over to Creek.

"The white door leads to the bathroom. The chest has more blankets in it if you require them." He explained.

"Okay. Thank you." He said.

"You're welcome." He said.

"Good night." Creek said.


The gray troll left to go to his own room. He needed some sleep. Creek went to the bathroom. He relieved his bladder before he changed into the sweatpants Branch gave him. He then went to bed. This time he didn't have a nightmare.

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