Lessons Learnt

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Disclaimer: I don't own Trolls.

(With Queen Barb)

Barb quickly changed into a torn white V-neck jumpsuit with spiked ankles and red wing-like decorations on the arms. Alongside it is a black belt with a golden skull buckle and studs. She looked into the mirror and smirked.

"I look good." She said as she did a slight turn. "Really good."

"Queen Barb?" It was Riff.

"Are we ready?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am we are." He confirmed.

"And our prisoners?" She asked.

"All in their places." He answered.

"Good. Get into position." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am." He said. 'I wonder if we really should be doing this.'

He didn't bother asking his queen. He knew better than to question her. She really didn't like that and was vicious when angered. Instead he went to his drums and sat down. Now all he had to do was wait.

Meanwhile Barb went over to the stage. Two of her trolls hooked her up. She smirked as she looked around. Finally her plan worked. The trolls would be reunited and the pop trolls would pay for the crimes of their ancestors.

"Are we ready?" She asked.

"We are queen Barb." They all said.

"Then let's rock!"


Soon the jaw shaped elevator started and she was taken to the front stage. Her rock trolls cheered when they saw her. She smirked and grabbed a microphone. She then began singing.8

"So this is the end I saw you again tonight,

I had to turn my heart away,

Smile like the moon kisses for everyone and tales it never fails you're lying so low in the seeds,

I bet you gonna ambush me you'd have me down down down down down on my knees,

Now won't ya?"

They looked towards the band. They were all just staring at her in confusion and fear. Barb narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Soon though the large blue troll moved.

"BARRACUDA!!!!!!" He screamed, slamming the guitar on the ground and breaking it.

"Yeah!" Barb screamed in happiness.

Soon though Cooper, Prince D, and Peppy were brought through the crowd. All three looked scared. Barb laughed as she threw her guitar off the stage and stared up into the sky. A bolt of lightning brought her a new one. This one contained all the music strings she had stolen from the other tribes. It also contained the rock string.

"I have brought you all here to reunite us as well as to punish those that caused us to be separate." She told the crowd.

"That was our ancestors! We shouldn't be punished for that!" Poppy yelled.

"Silence!" She yelled.

"Just listen-" Barb cut her off.

"We will be united under rock and be happy." She said.


"Let's get started." She smirked and pointed the guitar at Poppy.

"Stop!" Branch yelled.

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